Genuine Connections: Reflecting on The Meetings Show


Attending The Meetings Show last week, co-located with the Travel Technology Show and the Business Travel Show, was an excellent opportunity to enjoy the buzz and energy of professionals from various industries, connecting, learning, networking and relationship building.

Amidst the bustling atmosphere and fascinating conversations, I was struck by the genuine care and interest shown toward the simplest question: “How are you?”

This simple act of asking how someone is doing proves the power of connection and how it can impact our lives and, in this case, business relationships too.

What was apparent at The Meetings Show 2023 was the importance placed on genuine connections, conversations that matter, and how putting people first can lead to successful business relationships.

The power of connection

Connection is the key to the success of any event. It’s what brings people together and creates a sense of community. When attendees feel connected at the event, they are more likely to stay engaged, participate, and are more likely to do more business.

Every conversation we watched was filled with sincere interest and attention at The Meetings Show. No small talk, no rushing; it was as if every conversation mattered – because it did- offering everyone the opportunity to make meaningful connections.

Conversations that matter

For an event to be successful, the conversations must be authentic, human, and purposeful. From exhibitors, speakers, and attendees, every conversation shapes an event’s success.

If conversations aren’t meaningful, attendees can quickly lose interest and become detached from engaging, making it difficult to improve customer satisfaction and generate those important leads for exhibitors and sponsors.

The impact of prioritising genuine conversations was evident at The Meetings Show, with plenty of space to connect, lots of meetings being had and numerous conversations that encapsulated the values and purpose of the event – meetings.

Putting people at the forefront

As human beings, we crave connection, a sense of belonging and understanding of each other prioritising genuine conversations, connections and relationships is a leap towards delivering a successful event.

At The Meetings Show 2023, the importance of human connection was made clear – but also, the desire of the MICE industry to check in on each other to ensure “Are you ok,” which was proven by the popularity of the Wellbeing Hub by EventWell.

Here, attendees could take a break from the hustle and bustle of the event and find a space of calm and tranquillity, offering a chance to take a break and reset before heading into the busy aisles once more.

It was a great reminder of the power of putting people first and ensuring everyone feels safe, heard, and valued to create successful business relationships.

The Meetings Show 2023

Reflecting on The Meetings Show, it becomes clear how genuine connection, meaningful conversations, and putting people first can lead to successful business relationships.

The Meetings Show demonstrated a commitment to facilitating connections by prioritising people first, paving the way for successful business relationships.

Matt Coyne
Author: Matt Coyne

Everyone has a story to tell, you just need to know how to tell it. With two decades of experience in the events industry, Matt knows how to craft content for a multitude of needs. From captivating presentations and podcasts to informative content resources as part of your marketing strategy, visit to see how Matt can help you make waves with your content.

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