The intersection of event design, experience, and artificial intelligence


In the ever-evolving landscape of event design, technology continues to play a pivotal role in shaping memorable and impactful experiences.

The latest episode of our podcast, “The Intersection of Event Design Experience and Artificial Intelligence,” delves into the fascinating world where event design meets cutting-edge technology. Joining us for this insightful conversation are three industry leaders: Ryan Howard, Global Event Experience Technology Lead at Google; Panos Moutafis, CEO and founder of, a trailblazer in facial analysis for the events industry; and our very own Adam Parry, podcast host from Event Industry News.

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Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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