CloserStill Media promotes Charlotte Ellicott as Marketing & Content Director for Global Vet Portfolio


CloserStill Media has announced the promotion of Charlotte Ellicott as the Marketing & Content Director for its Global Vet Portfolio – UK, US, Singapore.

Ellicott, a seasoned professional within CloserStill Media, has been with the company for over a decade, bringing a deep understanding of the organisation’s ethos and strategies. Her tenure at CloserStill Media has seen her spearheading various successful marketing and commercial initiatives and playing a pivotal role in the growth of the company’s veterinary sector events.

Alexia Maycock, CMO of CloserStill Media, said: “Charlotte is the epitome of the CloserStill strategy of growing talent from graduate intake to senior positions! She has been instrumental within the Vet portfolio over the past decade from joining me to ‘help with social media on London Vet’ to leading the marketing, delegate sales and content team to create the largest vet show in Europe. I look forward to working with Charlotte on the strategic growth of our Vet brand globally”.

In response to her role, Ellicott expressed enthusiasm: “Developing with CloserStill over the past decade has been an incredibly rewarding journey. Now, stepping into this role with our global vet teams opens up exciting opportunities for enhanced collaboration and improved outcomes for the industry. I am eagerly anticipating the new challenges and the potential for growth within this role. It’s an honour to contribute to the strategic expansion of our Vet brand on a global scale”.

Ellicott’s proven track record in marketing, coupled with her extensive experience in the veterinary sector, positions her perfectly to lead the marketing strategies for CloserStill Media’s prestigious Global Vet Portfolio.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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