Save the date: World Energy Congress in Rotterdam, The Netherlands – 22-25 April 2024


The World Energy Council’s 26th World Energy Congress in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, previously scheduled to run from 4-7 December 2023, will now be held from 22-25 April 2024.

As the impartial and pragmatic voice of the global energy community, the World Energy Council will fully support the COP28 Climate Change Conference, to be held towards the end of 2023, and has therefore adjusted the dates of the 26th World Energy Congress.

With around 5,000 delegates, 70 Ministers, and 18,000 total attendees, the World Energy Congress is a globally recognised, world-class event that welcomes leaders from all corners of the world.

The theme of the 26th World Energy Congress, Redesigning Energy for People and Planet, emphasises that there has never been a more critical time for leadership in energy. The Congress will explore the role of connected energy societies in driving forward global energy transitions in today’s less predictable, more turbulent and faster shifting world.

For 100 years, the World Energy Congress has convened the cooperative power of the world energy community to turn inspiration into action. The World Energy Council marks its centenary year from mid-2023, and celebrations will include global and regional events and activities leading up to the 26th World Energy Congress.

Dr. Angela Wilkinson, Secretary General, and CEO, World Energy Council, said:

“The 26th World Energy Congress is a critical turning point for leadership on clean and just energy transitions worldwide and an opportunity to spring forward in redesigning energy for people and planet.  

“Against a backdrop of new energy insecurity concerns and the increasing damages that climate change is inflicting on the Earth’s natural life support system, it is neither easy nor enough to translate net zero roadmaps into reality. It is important to develop shared and deeper understanding of the role of increasingly diverse energy systems in enabling a safe operating space for humanity. It is urgent to involve more people and communities and identify leading practices in inclusive implementation. This best way forward is to support diverse regions in leading with and learning from each other and appreciate the diversity of place-based, clean and just energy transitions.  

“Please join us as the world learns with crises to seed better energy futures which enable 10 billion better lives on one healthy planet at the 26th World Energy Congress in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.”

World Energy Congress 2024 will be held at the Rotterdam Ahoy, an event base for international professionals, politicians, and artists. 

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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