VOK DAMS Digitalization Index: How digital is your event marketing?


VOK DAMS, one of the leading international agencies for events and live marketing, offers companies worldwide the opportunity to assess their current digital maturity in event marketing for free. For this purpose, the agency has developed a Digitalization Index (short Digi-Index), which builds upon existing maturity models.

Using clearly defined dimensions, it is possible to precisely determine to what extent a company has progressed in the digitalization of event marketing. Companies receive an objective and critical overview of their current status and individual development potentials. “We have found that companies on the path to digital event marketing often only consider the technological aspect,” says Colja Dams, CEO of VOK DAMS Events & Live Marketing. “Therefore, it was important for us to create a model that allows for a comprehensive view of the areas of development.”

The Digi-Index identifies skills in its eight dimensions that play a significant role in digitalization. The focus is not only on digital tools and process digitalization but also on aspects such as culture & skills, creation & content, and agile event management. The assignment to a maturity level depends on the performance of companies in the respective dimensions.

In the maturity level assignment, the range extends over five maturity levels from Digital Explorers, who are taking their first steps in digital event marketing, to Digital Masters, who already provide their target groups with a holistic experience throughout the entire customer journey. “For Digital Masters, ‘connected experiences’ are as natural as the continuous collection and evaluation of target group data. They deliver personalized content, thereby serving the individual needs of their target audience,” explains Stephanie Günther, Consultant at VOK DAMS Events and Live Marketing.

Colja Dams emphasizes: “So far, we have not encountered any companies that have reached the maturity level of a Digital Master in all dimensions. However, we are confident that the development will move in this direction – and quickly. For this reason, it was important for us to provide a tool that offers effective support to companies. With the Digitalization Index, companies can precisely determine which levers they need to adjust in order to make events and live marketing even more captivating and impressive in the future.”

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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