Brella announces biggest event app release in 2022


Brella – the complete event platform built for networking –  has announced the upcoming release of a new groundbreaking version of their event app (watch the release video here).  

Brella’s event app is among the leading names in the event industry, providing all the functionalities attendees and sponsors need to maximize their networking and manage the whole event experience in a neat, intuitive digital space.

However, the event industry had yet to see an event app fit to match the current high standards of design and UX dictated by the most popular consumer apps in the world (see for instance Instagram, Spotify, and Uber). 

“Event apps on the market are out-fashioned,” says Brella’s Chief Product Officer, Mikko Matikka. “And modern users expect nothing less than a top-notch UX and gorgeous design. They won’t use the app otherwise, it’s as simple as that.”

So, in a landscape of outdated design and substandard UI, the product team at Brella set their mind to developing a brand-new solution that would disrupt the market.

Stunning design, instant user adoption, and seamless UX lie at the heart of the new app, state Brella’s founders in a recent interview.

On top of that, Brella’s is ready to redefine the way attendees experience in-person events with game-changing features that close the gap between event apps and social media (Stories, Top Networking Picks, Spotlight, among others).

Brella’s founders have also stressed the importance of branding and customization features for event organizers, and are now proud to offer a fully white-label solution that also supports custom 3rd party integrations

“Advanced branding functionalities are front and center for event organizers,” says Mikko Matikka. 

“Even though organizers want to advertise Brella’s event app as it’s a synonym for a great networking experience, we also understand that they have invested everything into building their brands. The perfect event app should never interfere with event organizers’ workflow and branding strategy.”

Discover Brella’s new event app and all of its brand-new features here: 

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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