Sustainable event furniture made from recycled plastic


Did you know that 13 billion plastic bottles are disposed of each year? Or that recycling one plastic bottle can conserve enough energy to light a 60W light bulb for up to 6 hours? Recycled plastic can also be used to manufacture high quality, cost-effective sustainable event furniture, which is exactly what one Yorkshire-based business is doing.

British Recycled Plastic is an environmentally conscious company, driven by the desire to create new products and markets for plastic waste, saving it from landfill. The business is passionate about changing the perception that plastic waste materials are solely a problem, instead educating people of their power as a resource.

British Recycled Plastic is helping public and private sector organisations slash their maintenance costs and be kinder to the environment by producing and supplying ultra-tough, 100% recycled plastic furniture for use at venues across the country. The products are made from recycled mixed plastic which has been diverted from land-fill, incineration and dumping abroad then converted into a durable, useful material.

British Recycled Plastic’s Managing Director, Jason Elliott, says more needs to be done in the fight against plastic waste materials. “Plastic pollution is undoubtedly a major environmental concern. Our streets, beaches and oceans are testament to its far-reaching effects, but with more education and major investment we can realise the significant benefits of recycled plastic over other materials,” he says.

“Recycled plastic is inherently tough, it is chemically inert so will never leach any toxic chemicals and will never rot, split or splinter so has a long lifespan, whatsmore it is environmentally friendly. We should be viewing plastic as a resource and looking at how we can keep it in the clean recycling loop,” he adds.

Made from plastic currently in circulation, recycled plastic event furniture is a sustainable and socially responsible option for event organisers, helping to keep plastic waste out of landfills and protect the environment. Furthermore, UK plastics are collected, processed, and kept in the UK, providing employment opportunities, as well as environmental and economic benefits, to the British public. Recycling this non-renewable resource also reduces the rate of pollution, so for larger events required to minimise their environmental impact, or for those held in major cities, recycled plastic event furniture is a socially responsible option.

Across a five-step recycling process, plastic waste is transformed into high-quality lumber, which is then manufactured into exceptionally durable, cost-effective furniture perfectly suited to outdoor events. With CSR and impact reduction a key consideration for the events industry, a one-time investment in sustainable recycled plastic furniture can help event organisers and venue owners alike to promote environmental consciousness long into the future.  

However, the benefits of recycled plastic event furniture span beyond their environmental and sustainability merits. Resistant to graffiti and the growth of mould and algae, maintaining its visual appeal and structural integrity for decades, recycled plastic furniture is an ideal choice for outdoor applications. For organisers storing furniture between events, or for permanent venues and events spaces, a simple wipe down will help recycled plastic event furniture look as good as the day it was made.

Recycled plastic furniture is weatherproof, rot, split and splinter resistant, and though we expect it to last far longer, we guarantee our recycled plastic furniture for 25 years. Able to withstand the harshest weather conditions, and tough enough to maintain its aesthetic appeal and strength over decades of use, recycled plastic furniture can be a great investment, helping you to reduce whole life costs.

With event accessibility also paramount, manufacturers of recycled plastic furniture offer accessible models, helping you to promote inclusivity across your event, and increase accessibility for attendees with a range of disabilities. Our recycled plastic ground reinforcement grids can help you promote accessibility further, making gravel pathways Part M compliant and increasing wheelchair access to events.

As the UK events industry will soon begin to boom once again, we urge organisers and venues to consider the practical benefits of recycled plastic outdoor furniture, and in turn, reduce your environmental impact and promote sustainability across your events for years to come.  

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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