New Event Support Trade Association launched 1st July 2021


The Meetings and Events Support Association (MESA) has been launched to embrace and support innovation in the meetings and event industry.

The new organisation’s principle aim is to create A community network of companies and a ‘people-first’ ethos, collaborating and working together with fresh new ideas. The founders of the not-for-profit trade association include Sandie McCoubrey, who has a long-established relationship with many of the major players in the industry, takes on director of membership services. She was formally head of membership services at the Meeting Design Institute. Adam Fillary is a serial entrepreneur and personal networking specialist. Adam will become director of strategy and moving the organisation’s global presence. Lastly, Gordon Glenister will take on the role of director of communications. Gordon is an influencer marketing and membership specialist and brings a lot of experience in the association sector, wide users of online and in-person meetings.

MESA also set up a Steering Committee and includes John Martinez, CEO and founder of Shocklogic, Jelmer Van Ast, CEO and founder of Conference Compass, Felix Stroud-Allen CEO and founder of CrowdComms, Danny Stevens, CEO and founder of fielddrive and Sébastien Braun, CEO and founder of idloom. These organisations have also become patrons of the new organisation.

MESA ran its first founder roundtable online event In May 2021 to include members of the Steering Committee and involving other founders from leading event backgrounds. The event was chaired by Gordon Glenister and uncovered some great insights about what it’s been like for the founder during a challenging 12 months.

The new association will run regular founder and team member meetings, marketplace events to engage with meeting planners, and community groups to network and build best practice. All members will be accredited and sign up to a professional code of conduct giving reassurance to meeting planners.

Gordon Glenister, director of communications of MESA commented “Community is everything and building relationships based on trust and excellence is at the heart of our ethos. MESA has been founded on a principle of making a difference to the multi-billion events industry”.

Jelmer van Ast founder and CEO of Conference Compass said “The past 15 months have demonstrated the importance of innovation for the future of our industry. At the same time, it has promoted company culture as the #1 priority for all CEOs. I’m proud to be a member of MESA which has been founded to foster both.”

MESA has been awarded 1st Place and a cash prize for an Innovation challenge created by 12rPrizes and Realise.Me. The competition was designed to provoke some creative thinking from top event industry minds to help inspire the sector out of lockdown. A public presentation will follow, and we’ll update you soon. The winning concept, for a Remote Event Concierge Service called T.R.I.P.S. will be in use during CONFEX 2021

If you want to find out more about the MESA do contact

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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