Virtual experiences customised for your audience


Beehive is a virtual event environment created by event professionals for event professionals. Developed by the team at event agency, Live Union, it’s grounded in a clear understanding of what audiences really value when meeting virtually.

Varied content engagement, highly effective networking and smart ways for people to collaborate help you design the experience that’s right for your audience.

Tailored to your Needs

No two events are the same, which is why Beehive has been designed to be highly customisable, allowing organisers to precisely tailor the virtual experience.

Choose to brand one of the platform’s existing environments or design an entirely bespoke destination that brings your business to life.

Beehive is intuitive and easy to navigate, the movement of attendees through the event can be managed by the event organiser using the remote-control feature or simply let people decide their own experience. Beehive also gives you the ability to post on-screen notifications and make audio announcements.

Wide Choice of Engagement

Content can be delivered live, as-live or on-demand and you can programme exactly the right styles of engagement for your event. Plenary spaces for keynotes include a Q&A panel and you can add numerous breakout spaces. These might be used for further presentations, webinars, workshop sessions or have a more experiential marketplace format.

The Poster Gallery and Exhibition Halls allow you to highlight particular topics or include partner brands. Exhibition booths can be individually designed and include on-demand videos and other information as well as facilitating live chat with the exhibitor representative.

Networking and Collaboration

Networking is at the heart of Beehive. People are able to self-profile and search for others to connect with in the Attendee Gallery. On-platform 1:1 video meetings can be easily arranged, booked meetings showing in the attendee’s personal agenda.

Roundtables provide the opportunity to network and collaborate in smaller groups around specific topics. These can be aligned to any content within your event, if an attendee visits an exhibition stand, poster or breakout and wants to dive deeper, they simply click to join the associated roundtable discussion.

To make your virtual event a more communal experience you might choose our Circles functionality. This enables a group of five friends or colleagues to attend your event together. Wherever people go in the event they can keep in touch with their Circle, sharing tips and inspiration via their Circle chat-box.

Supporting You

Live Union’s many years designing and delivering experiences for some of the world’s largest businesses, means not only do we understand event audiences we understand the quality of service you expect.

We’ll help you customise the right experience for your audience and, if required, can support in every aspect of your virtual event from content development to studio production.

More and more businesses are choosing Beehive to host a range of events from conferences to careers fairs, from awards to employee onboarding and global parties.

The best way to experience Beehive is through booking a live demonstration.


Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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