top 5 tips for successful event management

top 5 tips for successful event management

start early 

time is always of the essence in event planning! so as soon as you receive the brief, you should start contacting venues and suppliers. the easiest way to do this is by using you and your team’s knowledge of the industry for recommendations and referrals. at seven events, we would then research the client to gather insights about their business. this enables us to understand what the client is looking for and hit the brief so that no time is wasted.

regular contact

this applies both internally and to your client. creating a shared document that is accessible to everyone in the team, means progress can be tracked – make sure to update your team if there are delays as they may be able to help! for the client, setting realistic deadlines and informing them along the way way means they know progress is being made: we like to act as an extension of our client’s team so that we can integrate well and they feel supported.


a contingency plan is used to foresee all eventualities and make sure we have plans in place to deal with issues that may arise onsite and on the event day. this could be anything from a a key speaker being unwell to deliveries not showing up. this should be shared with everyone involved and agreed with the client as part of the final logistics pre-event.

do a run through 

before the event, do a run through of the entire event process both with the client and the team that will be helping you onsite. everything from initial set up to the follow up process should be discussed. often complications are highlighted at the meetings and it ensures everyone knows what their duties to pull of a smooth event.


once an event is completed, it is tempting to take a much deserved rest! but its important to hold a debrief meeting to discuss what went well and any learnings so that you can continue to improve and ensure the client is happy.  remember to also share the success of the event! social media is a great way to achieve roi.

if you need help organising a an event, get in touch today on +44 (0) 207 659 4430 or email us at