CEIR contracts with Oxford Economics, Tourism Economics Division for monitoring and forecasting B2B exhibition performance


The Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) has teamed up with Tourism Economics, an Oxford Economics Company as its consulting partner for exhibition industry performance-related research. Effective 1 October 2023, Oxford Economics will take on the role of tracking and analyzing U.S. business-to-business (B2B) exhibition performance.

CEIR is the go-to resource for market-level performance data on the B2B exhibition industry, with quarterly and annual publication of the CEIR Index. The CEIR Index tracks four key performance metrics of B2B exhibitions taking place each quarter: number of professional attendees, number of exhibiting companies, net square footage (NSF) of paid space sold and organizer gross revenues. The annual CEIR Index Report includes a three-year outlook. This publication is regularly sought after by organizers and suppliers to the industry to support their business planning needs. It is also a resource for major business media outlets and consultants conducting due diligence for prospective launch, acquisition, merger or other business sales purposes.

With the strength of Tourism Economics’ economists and data analysts, as well as a 400-strong team at Oxford Economics, a deeper industry-specific analysis will be provided. Broader industry trends and forecasts for each of the 14 CEIR sectors will also be provided with the potential for further industry detail. Pace information, based on events on the books over the coming year, will strengthen the forecast accuracy, providing a short-term view that is based on the actual exhibition event calendar.

CEIR Index data is the basis for quantifying the economic significance of the U.S. B2B exhibition industry. This analysis is used regularly by the Exhibitions and Conferences Alliance in advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill. It also supports municipalities when seeking approval for expansion or renovation projects for convention center facilities.

Dr. Allen Shaw, Founder, President, and Chief Economist of Global Economic Consulting Associates has been CEIR’s resident economist since 2010. His recent decision to retire prompted consideration of alternative economists to take over CEIR’s flagship research which is so critical to the industry. CEIR is grateful to Dr. Shaw’s service to CEIR that has elevated the rigor and quality of the Index, making it so well-respected today.

“It has been an honor and privilege to work with CEIR on tracking and forecasting the performance of the B2B exhibition industry,” said Shaw.

“I am grateful for Dr. Shaw’s engagement with CEIR over the past 13 years. He has gone above and beyond to make the CEIR Index what it is today,” said CEIR CEO Cathy Breden, CMP-F, CAE, CEM. “It has been my pleasure to work with such an honorable person. He has personally taught me more about the economy and what to look for to better understand the economic impact of B2B exhibitions. I look forward to working with Adam Sacks and Aran Ryan to continue the excellent work Dr. Shaw has done for many years.”

“The CEIR Index research program has been a longstanding guiding light to the exhibition industry,” added Adam Sacks, President of Tourism Economics, an Oxford Economics Company. “We’re honored to build on that legacy with the delivery of credible and clear insights on the evolution and prospects for exhibitions.”

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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