
LuxUVC- How It Can Prevent You From COVID-19?

The coronavirus is a respiratory illness that spreads across the world, this disease outbreak in China 2019 that is why it is named as COVID-19. The world health organization announces the COVID-19 a pandemic. Each country’s government has implemented various protective measures for every state and city. To aware of this spread of the novel coronavirus to others, LuxUVC the professional disinfecting services come up with some key points for you.

How Coronavirus Become Widespread And What Are The Symptoms?

  • The reason behind widespread of COVID-19 is:

1) It spreads from person to person who comes into close contact. It transforms into another person within about 6 feet to 2 meters.

2) The virus outbreaks by respiratory droplets released from the infected person who is suffering from virus coughs, talks, or sneeze.

  • The symptoms of this COVID-19 are as follows:

1) The major issue is COVID-19 can be turned from mild to severe. Some folks do not show any symptoms but report positive with this virus.

2) The normal symptoms are fatigue, fever, sore throat, headache, cough, decreased sense of smell, and taste. 

3) The severe symptoms are chest pain, vomiting, and diarrhea, the problem in the breath. The symptoms will be shown in 14 days of exposure.

Is Mask Is Important To Wear?

As per the CDC recommendations wearing masks or cloth face cover is important to in close contact places like the grocery store, public places, and others. This update action is based on the data showing people transfer the COVID-19 virus before realize they are affected. Many advanced disinfecting services are providing the non-medical mask to the general public and suggest wearing it in a public place because this may reduce the spread from people who don’ have symptoms. The N95 and surgical mask is short in supply and only provides to health care workers.

Precautions If You Feel The COVID-19 Symptoms?

Unfortunately if you are suffering from the coronavirus then contact to doctor for medical advice. Call in advance to the hospital so that the healthcare workers can take steps to ensure that others aren’t exposed.

The precautions to avoid the illness are:

1) Stop going to school or public areas expect to medical care. Stay home ones you don’t feel good.

2) Stop taking public transportation with this process it will not spread further.

3) As you are infected by the virus wear mask in other people.

4) Stay isolate from others as much as possible from your family members at home.

5) Take one-bedroom and bathroom if possible not use by other then you.

6) Do not share your household, dishes, glasses, and bedding items.

7) Always cough or sneeze in tissue and when you don’t have tissue use crook of your elbow. While coughing or sneeze you spit or get mucus on your skin, clear it right off before you touch your face with unwashed hands.

LuxUVC’s Protection Suggestion.

For now there is no vaccine and proper way to overcome the COVID-19. So, LuxUVC being professional disinfecting services suggest you simple and effective suggestions. The COVID-19 spreads through respiratory vapor such as when someone sneezes or coughs around a healthy person or into the air. It can also spread when infected sneezes into their hand and touché the surfaces such as door handles, light switches. 


Cold viruses spread the same as COVID-19 is spreading but this viruses is more widespread in all world. The only concept you can apply is social-distancing.

1) Keep Washing Your Hands

LuxUVC also has many advanced disinfecting services techniques but washing the hand is the number one technique you can prevent the coronavirus. 

Wash your hands properly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or apply sanitizer if you don’t have soap and water available. If the dirt is visible then wash it with soap and water only. 

2) Stay Home

According to the guidelines of WHO and CDC the healthcare workers and government urging the people to stay at home. There is no doubt that not everyone has the facility working from home, people need to venture out to grocery stores and gas stations. But if you say at home you can overcome the effect of viruses and if it’s very urgent then follow some basic preventative measures.

3) Follow Public Healthcare Guidelines

Every state in a country comes up with protective measures implemented in their own state by March 2020. Schools, colleges, and other professionals. Many other nonessential businesses like restaurants, bars, and clothing stores are closed.

4) Uplift Your Immune System

Doctors recommend boosting the immune system because with a strong immune system body able to fight off illnesses. Professional disinfecting services also focusing on improving healthy habits. Have healthy food it will support your health and turn them into never-ending habit lifelong. 

Take a good amount of fresh air and sunlight daily.  Along with this stay hydrated and consume more micronutrients.

5) Be Calm

Along with proper care of physical health take care of your mental health. If you take more stress this will weaken your immune system. Which is exactly the opposite of what you want in this situation?

Are You Physically Active In Quarantine?

As discussed above, the healthcare workers and government requesting the public to stay at home in self-quarantine. Self-quarantine can also cause more challenges and stress to the mental health of citizens. To protect yourself and stay calm physical activity and relaxation techniques can improve health during this time.


But if you think that you can’t do exercise because fitness centers are closed temporarily. Then advanced disinfecting services suggest that you can achieve your fitness at home. Below are the tips to improve the health at home in self-quarantine.

  1. Take A Short Break From Your Day

In your daily routine get some time for physical activity. Do exercises like dancing; perform domestic chores like cleaning and gardening, playing with children. These activities can keep you fit.

  1. Watch Exercise Online

This is the perfect time to follow the online classes of exercise. Many are free and you can easily find out on YouTube. If you do not perform the exercises prior then aware your limitation and follow the class.

  1. Walk

Walking is very effective even in small spaces, on the spot can keep you active. If you get a call then speak while walking around the home. In case you are out of your premises for a walk or exercise maintain a one-meter gap from another person.

  1. Stand Up

Stand up after 30 minutes or whenever possible. It will reduce your sedentary time by standing up. Do most of the work while standing as setting up a standing desk, using a high table, or stacking a pile of books or other material. In your leisure time read books, solve puzzles, and board games.

  1. Relax

LuxUVC is the best professional disinfecting services provider which suggests that mediation and deep breaths can help you remain calm. 

It is very vital to remain healthy and hydrated. WHO recommends that drink water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages. Pregnant, breastfeeding women, young people avoid consuming alcoholic beverages. Have plenty of fruits and vegetables and limit the consumption of sugar, salt, and fat. Have whole grains instead of refined foods. 

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