Cool Tool Review: Keep Your Speakers On Time With

During our 31 Days Of August challenge, we checked out various cool tools. One we particularly liked was Stagetimer. A great tool that can help you keep your speakers stay within their time limits. We take a quick walk through this simple-to-use tool that your speakers, organizers, and attendees are going to really like!

There are many great features that we really liked. For instance, Stagetimer runs in the browser, any internet-connected device can use it, and it works on all screen sizes, even tablets, and phones.

To quote the website…

If you have an event and need to time things, for example, a presenter on stage, or a meeting with multiple participants or even a church service, then Stagetimer can help you do that. allows you to import or create the agenda of your event and share a link to it. You can then control what the presenter or participant sees. Show a fullscreen timer with the option to write messages. Also share a beautiful agenda page that shows what’s happening right now and what is coming next.

Is there a tool you think we should be looking at? Get in touch and let us know. If you would like to leave a comment about this episode, pop over to our Facebook group.

This post originally appeared on the Bullet List Podcast website.

Picture of Keith Johnston

Keith Johnston

Keith is the Managing Partner of i3 Events but is most widely known as the outspoken publisher of the event industry blog PlannerWire. In addition to co-hosting the Bullet List and Event Tech Pull Up Podcasts, he has been featured in Plan Your Meetings, Associations Now, Convene, Event Solutions, and has appeared on the cover of Midwest Meetings Magazine.

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