Hubilo enables you to maximize ROI: For every stakeholder, in every virtual event


When in-person events were the rage, the most attributable data to measure ROI was restricted to ticket sales and sponsorship revenue. Although post-event surveys added a layer of insight around satisfaction and engagement, convincing attendees to complete a survey was a challenge in itself, and deriving insights from that – mind numbing!

In contrast, virtual events have opened up the possibility of measuring true engagement levels, close to real-time, and with more depth than the traditional surveys of the past. But the potential is untapped still. An EventMB study showed that 28% of eventprofs were able to pivot to virtual profitably, while only 10.8% were able to exceed their physical event. Clearly there is a gap between the potential and the actual. Hubilo identified the gap early on as it started listening to early adopter customers.

ROI Starts With Unparalleled Engagement

Hubilo knows that you start maximizing ROI when your attendees start getting the bang for their buck. When attendees are able to personalize their event experience to focus on the most important topics, their engagement levels go up and so does the potential of ROI for you and your sponsors. Event organizers, using the data and analytics that Hubilo provides, can continuously optimize the content making every event more engaging, delivering more ROI than the last. Measuring that engagement is no longer a long lasting struggle but available on the platform in realtime and can be consolidated as reports immediately after the event.

Brand Experience That Leaves a Lasting Impression

Most of the virtual event technologies out there have a tendency to focus just on building an intuitive platform. Hubilo goes a step further as it enables event organizers to design a virtual event experience that is tailored to their own brand. In a crowded space of virtual events, brands need to stand out. Hubilo enables them to do exactly that. No two events on Hubilo look or feel the same. It’s not just about the visual elements – which organizers and exhibitors can customize with ease, but Hubilo also enables them with capabilities to deliver an experience that is personalized for their attendees and according to their preferences of consuming content.

Hubilo is working with industry leading brands like DWTC, GITEX, InfoComm, Belcorp to deliver the most engaging virtual events, that are no longer just replicating physical events. Hubilo is enabling them to leverage the benefits of technology, derive insights from analytics and deliver experiential events that maximizes ROI for everyone. Everytime.

Explore how Hubilo can help you deliver your next successful event here:


Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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