Fonteva Events is the top-rated events app available on Salesforce®


Being built on Salesforce solves one of the biggest challenges facing businesses that use events to drive engagement: the siloing of event insights. With all your data in Salesforce, you eliminate integration headaches and can build a true 360-degree view of your customers.

Great events start with insightful data, and data-driven insights start with Salesforce.

Events are an investment, and the actions you take before and after can significantly impact your ability to achieve ROI goals. With so much invested in your events, you can’t overlook the importance of not only getting the right people to attend but also driving business goals beyond the event. Don’t miss the opportunity to fully leverage event success to drive revenue opportunities and move business forward.

Being able to manage events in Salesforce with Fonteva Events delivers benefits well beyond simply event execution.

Some of these benefits include:

Personalised Customer Experience: Personalise event experiences for customers based on Salesforce data. Limit access to ticket types or availability of sessions to certain audiences.

Event Websites: Beautiful, branded, mobile-responsive event websites, best-of-breed agenda builder and configurable registration flows allow you to easily create intuitive, branded event microsites.

Consistent Branding at Scale: Clone and automate the event lifecycle for 5 or 5,000 events. Control messaging and brand across departments, divisions, countries, and continents.

Clean Data: By eliminating integrations, Fonteva Events means fewer duplicates, better contact matching in your primary CRM, and overall cleaner data. 

Full eCommerce: Built in eCommerce capabilities with secure payment processing, over 100 payment gateways. Manage paid events with ease, driving revenue attainment.

Contact Your Attendees: Plug into your well-established marketing stack through Salesforce and your preferred Marketing Automation tool.

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: