CODE – Content distribution engine


Even though technology is evolving in all areas of the event space, there is one place where there is little or no innovation, and that is how Yumiwi distribute event content to our attendees. 

We still deliver long links to a dropbox or a google drive, forcing them to swim through endless folders and files.

Videos, PDFS, pictures, infographics, ebooks, presentations, audios, you name it. It is all there, in a sea of scattered content. 

And that needs to change; 
I want to present you with CODE… a content distribution engine capable of creating a personalised space for every single attendee. 
Analysing their interactions and delivering content that is relevant to them.

If they engage with an experience, if they participate in a workshop, if they attend a speaker session, You name it, we track it.
Whatever they do will trigger content delivered in a personalised, organised, and unique way, in the form of an event timeline.  

So what can we do inside this timeline:

  • Create surveys to obtain valuable feedback. 
  • Obtain overall ratings and feedback about the whole event.
  • Deliver personalised content. 
  • Videos, PDF, Audios, Brochures, Catalogs, presentations, etc…
  • Unlock exclusive content by asking the attendee to answer simple questions. 
  • Get additional information from the attendee such as gender, location, or any other data set we did not ask at registration. 
  • Program content to upload automatically, so their timeline is continuously updated.
  • Allow the attendee to engage with speakers and ask questions. 
  • Get real-time feedback from the speaker and even receive their keynote upon exiting the talk. 
  • And tons more, the possibilities are endless.  

Content is organised by type, date, and time. 

Plus, we help the environment by going digital and reducing printing costs to exhibitors and brands. 

This is CODE, a reliable way to organise, deliver, and track valuable event content. 

How cool would it be to leave the event and access all interactions and content in a single space.

Visit the team at Event Tech Live on the 6th & 7th November – Stand 1510 or contact us here

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: