ICE Looks to Predict Life After Covid-19


ICE has begun a series of research and focus group initiatives, within the corporate event community, that will look to understand what the future of the meetings and events market could look like post Covid-19.

The community of in-house organisers have been meeting over the last few weeks, as well as working with its partner network, to understand how the industry could handle future outbreaks and go forward in a post coronavirus world. The insight is covering a series of subjects, including:

  • The role of technology in creating immersive experiences
  • How corporate event professionals can become more confident in working with the event tech sector
  • How venues and other areas of the support network can contribute to more hybrid meetings
  • The role of travel, CSR and sustainability in a post-Covid world
  • The long-lasting effects on humanity, people and delegates; post shut down

Speaking on the series, ICE Founder, Anita Howard commented: “One of the main findings from the groups is that things have changed; permanently. This period of shut down has underlined the importance of meeting programmes and the need for businesses to communicate. The question is, have we got the answer, both post Covid-19 and for when the next global crisis hits us.”

“We’re looking at solutions that go way beyond traditional webinars and that engage everyone from mass audiences to the individual shut away in a home office, and everything in between,” continues Anita. “How is the experience created in a way that captures every delegate, allows them to engage with the content, and take away the messages and influence that was intended by the organiser.”

The board of ICE, made up of senior meetings and events planners, is now meeting virtually on a weekly basis, with members of the community able to subscribe to a webinar series that shares findings and advice. The first took place last week with DRP Group talking about how webinars have evolved to create immersive experiences. 

However, there still remains mass scepticism from the corporate sector on event technology, Anita adds: “Our members are incredibly cautious about some of the technology being – often – over sold to them. This is a massive opportunity for the event tech sector to support them with pragmatic, tested and secure solutions that allow their meetings to happen, without creating bigger issues for the organiser.”

ICE will continue to share findings from these insight sessions throughout the next few months, and will be sharing the voice of the corporate market with the wider industry.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.