Source your perfect venue through In2Events free global venue finding service


At In2Events we get it. We understand how stressful, time-consuming and expensive sourcing that perfect venue can be for event organisers. So many event planners have got enough on their plate, without dealing with the frustrations associated with securing a great venue. We don’t think that finding an amazing backdrop to host an event, conference, exhibition, meeting or incentive should be a laborious process, and so to remove these pain points and to save our clients from their potential venue nightmares, we provide our free global venue finding service.

A Process That Works

We aim to keep the venue finding process easy for our clients. In an industry that can be complex to navigate, our 8-step venue find solution simply starts with a client submitting their venue brief to our team of venue experts, either directly or via our online interactive portal. Using our industry knowledge and large national and international network of venue connections, we manage the rest:  sourcing and proposing venues, carrying out detailed site visits, managing all contractual elements and securing venues, that perfectly align with our clients event requirements, all booked at preferential rates, negotiated on the basis of our considerable buying power.

Did You Know? We move fast to have full interactive venue proposals back with our clients within 24 hours.

A Beneficial Approach

It’s all personal when it comes to our venue finding solution. While our software is a fantastic asset and necessity, we make it our mission to get to the root of what each of our individual clients wants from their venue through real conversations. We use all information supplied by our clients to supplement their venue briefs, optimising our ability to propose venues that will hit and exceed the mark for their events.

Finding a venue for an event should be an exciting and stress-free prospect for businesses and that’s why we’re here to do all the legwork. Having worked both agency and property side, our venue team have extensive first-hand knowledge of and experience with hotel chains, independent venues and ‘not for public’ locations, and are perfectly placed, even at short notice, to inspire, consult on and recommend venue options within the UK and worldwide; removing the need for our clients to relentlessly wade through a plethora of venues themselves. 

By relinquishing the entire venue finding process over to us and trusting in our expertise, our clients can pull back valuable time to focus on their business as usual priorities. The strong relationships that we’ve cultivated with hotels and venue suppliers globally, also allows us to leverage competitive rates on our clients’ behalf, which often delivers substantial cost savings.

Who We Work With

As a full-service event agency, we work with clients across a broad spectrum of industries, who require venues and our event management services for a whole range of events: from small intimate meetings and high-end private dining, through to large conferences, residentials, incentives and exhibitions. Whether our clients are looking for conventional spaces or something different, quirky and unique, we love exploring and uncovering venues, from all around the world, that are the perfect fit for their events and budgets.

We Know Our Venues

It’s our business to get out and continually discover the ever-growing collection of venues that are available throughout the UK and in overseas destinations. This means that we can always pass on to our clients the very latest news and information on new venue openings, venue refurbishments, industry trends and give honest and transparent venue reviews founded on our own personal experiences.

Not only do we visit venues and complete thorough site visits, but we also frequently meet with suppliers at In2Events HQ. These face to face meetings provide great insights into property portfolios and are an invaluable way to build longstanding rapport.

Let Us Find Your Next Venue

Our passion for venue finding and learning about emerging destinations and venues across the globe, combined with the fact we’re personable, fun, detail-orientated and quick-acting venue specialists, sees clients return to us time and again. For our team, there’s really no better feeling than uniting a client with a venue that will elevate their event to the next level. 

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: