IACC launches pathway to reopening guide for meeting, conference and training venues


IACC has today launched its ‘Critical Pathway to Re-opening’ guide, which shares in-depth strategies and advice on how to reopen venues safely, created specifically for venues hosting meetings, training courses and smaller conferences for up to 150 delegates.

The 53-page guide concentrates on three key areas: the re-designing of the meeting attendee experience; the re-designing of space and the re-designing of the product. Each of these sections including detailed guidance from industry experts on how venues can adapt their offering in line with the ‘new normal’ for meetings and events.

The IACC Critical Pathway to Re-opening guide provides an overview of the entire meeting experience and how this may look in a post-COVID-19 market, from pre-arrival to the event itself. Throughout the guide are examples from a number of IACC’s global member venues from on procedures and guidance they have put in place.

The guide also shares advice on how venues can maximise their available spaces whilst ensuring that delegates can practice physical distancing as well as ideas on how to work with food and beverage, how to carry out site tours safely and how to structure their pricing.

Mark Cooper, CEO of IACC commented: “There’s a huge volume of guidance and advice available, but nothing specifically focused on meetings. It can be confusing to interpret if you have venues focused on meeting attendees for the business event industry. Our guide has been designed specifically for smaller venues, those that are the first to reopen for smaller groups, with easy to digest practical guidance from industry leaders on how to make the most out of their space and how to ensure their venue can reopen safely once their local governments allow them to.”

The IACC Critical Pathway to Re-opening Meeting, Conference and Training Spaces guide costs $199 and can be downloaded directly from the IACC website here. The guide is free to download for IACC certified venues and associate members.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.