How to use your speakers to better market your event


Conferences, exhibitions, brand activations, seminars, workshops – we employ speakers for a wide selection of events. They’re invaluable for introducing your audience to your theories, ideas and demonstrations. 

They can also be invaluable for getting your audience to your event in the first place.

Speakers can present you with a broader reach and wider engagement. They offer a means to get your content to more people, increasing revenue and promoting your message.

Live videos

Live streaming your event is a great way of spreading your message. Snöball, an event marketing company, revealed that videos on Facebook gained twice as much engagement compared to posts with images.

Video content can cover a variety of topics and take on different formats. You could ask your speakers to sit with you for a live Q&A session or live-stream their presentation. 

Keep the content of the videos informative to make it valuable to your audience. If a speaker is unavailable, send them questions and have them record themselves discussing the answers.


Remember, you’re not the only one trying to market your event: the speakers themselves will want to tell as many people about their presentation, and therefore, about your event. So, help them help you. 

Create a short piece about the event and its talks so that your speakers can easily carry out a cut-and-paste job to send to their email list.

Social media

It goes without saying that social media is an instant, easy and (mostly) free method of spreading your message far and wide. Likes, tags and comments throw your posts onto the timelines of people you may not have otherwise reached.

Ask your speakers to remember to tag your company or ‘check-in’ to your event. Likewise, you can return the favour by tagging them. Ensure any images are branded to your event.

Kevin Molesworth, founder and president of Brass Tracks Events told Snöball: “I could better promote the event if the organisers provided me with branded graphics and advertising. Having a firm understanding of attendee demographics is of enormous value also.”

The content for this article was provided by Snöball’s ‘Complete and ONLY guide to Event Influencer Marketing’.

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: