

Evenium is a global technology leader for in-person, virtual and hybrid meetings & events.

Evenium’s integrated solution suite empowers event planners and marketers with time and information so you can focus on the content of your event and earn a spot at the decision-making table. Freed from logistical constraints and with real-time data at your fingertips, you’ll have what you need to make strategic decisions and maximize event ROI.

The role of event planners is evolving rapidly, from handling logistics issues to designing interaction and facilitating relationships between participants. Evenium builds web and mobile technology to help our clients transition from an old paradigm to a modern and more strategic role, where events are crafted to achieve business results.

We assist professionals to deliver better presentations, boost verbal & visual collaboration, and easily facilitate interaction with participants, and event planners to elevate their participant engagement with highly interactive content, boost attendee networking, and enrich the experience for all attendees.

Additionally our end-to-end solutions contain integrated systems that further simplify event management, promotion, and registration.

Our process is simple. We train new customers then actively advise and support clients to help them optimally set up and manage Evenium solutions for their projects, and achieve their business objectives.

Evenium takes customer feedback at heart. We believe in working hand in hand to continuously improve our products to better suit our clients’ needs.

Since 2000, thousands of international organizations and millions of users have employed Evenium’s integrated end-to-end solutions to fully engage participants at events like leadership meetings, sales kickoffs, training sessions, or conferences. We have offices in Sunnyvale, CA and in Paris, France.

Contact Details:

87 Rue Saint-Lazare, 

+33 1 47 70 61 27

Americas :
440 N Wolfe Rd Sunnyvale, 
CA 94085

+1 650 353 3623

EIN Directory
Author: EIN Directory

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