Conferences UK – We find you the perfect venue. Hassle free


Our team of experts find venues that will match your exact needs and it’s a 100% free service.

Conferences UK do all the searching for you and negotiate with each venue to ensure you get the best price. Our team propose up to 20 venues that meet your exact requirements, all with full details and pricing. All you need to do is tell us which is the best venue for you and we will confirm the booking on your behalf.

Getting it right for you.

Once you have made your decision we will help you to arrange a site visit if you require one and check the contracts and advise if there is anything that can be improved upon. It’s all part of our free service.

Experience counts.

Our team have been helping people to find great meeting spaces for over 19 years and we pride ourselves on our knowledge, expertise and contacts. It is this experience which help us to provide such an excellent service, with 93.8% of customers saying they will use us again.

Let us save you time, money and hassle.

Let our expert team find your next meeting space. Not only will we find you a great venue, will use all of our expertise to negotiate a great price on all aspects of your meeting or event.

To get started, simply Make an enquiry today. | 0845 351 9917 |

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Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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