Silent Conference headsets for Event Sustainability Live


UK company Silent Conference will be ‘Official Headset Provider’ at Event Sustainability Live (ESL) which takes place at ExCeL London in November.

A key component in organiser Event Industry News’ shows over the last 10 years, headphones stretch the canvas beyond the reach of a PA pushing content on top of the traditional melee of show floor communications. They provide a clear channel directly between speakers and audiences with a number of language options and a sought-after source of interaction on top.

In business since 2009, providing for events of all shapes, capacities and makeup, Silent Conference has offices/warehouses on the United States’ West Coast, across Europe and in Melbourne, Australia – a big measure of its success – and clients including Red Bull, JBL and Ernst and Young. 

Director, Paul Gillies, comments: “We are excited to partner with Event Industry News for Event Sustainability Live as ‘Official Headset Provider’, to deliver messaging around sustainability in a sustainable way.

“Since introducing the industry’s first rechargeable headphones back in 2011, Silent Conference has been at the forefront of harmonising world-class technology with environmental awareness. We are proud our headsets will help engage, educate and make a difference to the events industry ecosystem. Together we can all make a difference to the way we run our events and minimise our carbon footprint while doing so.”

Adam Parry, co-founder of Event Sustainability Live, says: “Content is a crucial element to our shows and delivering sessions from the stages to switched-on audiences, in the language and at the volume of their choosing, is a perfect, practised solution. I’m so pleased to announce Silent Conference, a pioneer of the sector, as Official Headset Provider to the first edition of ESL.”

Event Sustainability Live is at ExCeL London on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th of November.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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