Conference Compass: Audience participation & live polling


One of the main goals of any event organizer is to create a memorable and engaging experience for attendees. Our event platform has been developed to achieve exactly this. Here we will share with you 6 ways that you can use our platform to effectively build an engaged and proactive community. 

  1. Begin engagement in the time leading up to the event 

The weeks leading up to the event are crucial for creating an active community. Invite attendees to explore the event platform and download its dedicated mobile app. Prompt them to look at the program and save sessions that they find interesting, creating a personalized schedule. This way attendees will come prepared for your event and will not hesitate to interact and explore their environment.  

  1. The mobile app is your direct connection to attendees 

In 2022, everybody has a smartphone through which all matters are conducted. When attendees download the mobile app for your event, this means that you can connect with them at any point. Prompts, surveys, changes in the program, etc can be easily communicated with push notifications, ensuring that people are up to date and aware of your event. A unique opportunity with limitless options.

  1. Promote gamification early on! 

The element of friendly competition that gamification introduces, is an integral way to create a stimulating and memorable experience for attendees. With our platform, it is effortless to set up leaderboards, badges, and a point system that will encourage guests to interact with their environment and become proactive. 

  1. The Fundamental importance of live polling 

Live polling is one of the most effective tools that you can use to engage your audience, whether it is on-site or online. Our platform allows everybody to participate in polls, in real-time. Live polling makes the individual’s opinion important, while also creating a sense of community. The polls prompt each person to reflect on their own and then engage with the opinion of everybody else. 

  1. Pre-recorded presentations and live streaming for online audiences

The pandemic has set the important precedent that physical attendance is simply not always possible and that alternative options exist. For attendees who cannot join on-site, our platform offers endless possibilities for meaningful engagement with your event. They can watch pre-recorded presentations and live streams, set up networking meetings, and participate in round-table discussions: all from the comfort of their own home! 

  1. Networking connections are easier than ever 

One of the main benefits that an event offers is the potential for networking. As an event organizer, you should provide the best opportunities for your guests to network. Our platform’s features, such as scheduling one-on-one meetings, personal chat, attendee lists, virtual business cards, and many more, offer the best possible way to create meaningful connections and build a community. 

There are a lot of steps necessary to ensure that you have created an engaged community rather than a passive audience at your event. As an organizer, you have to create an environment for your attendees in which they can be proactive. By setting this as a goal early on and working towards it before, during, and after your event, you can provide a memorable and meaningful experience. Our platform’s main goal is to help you achieve this level of engagement and shared sense of community.

Get in touch and see how this can be done easier than ever! 

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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