AEV reveals conference theme and host


The Association of Event Venues (AEV) has announced “Fit for the Future” as the theme for its annual conference at the Queen Elizabeth II (QEII) Centre, London, 17 November 2023.

Rachel Parker, director, AEV, said, “We have been through a great deal as an industry over the past few years and now we need to ensure we are ready for what is coming, ie. ‘Fit for the Future’.  The programme addresses the health of the industry and its professionals, looking forward to dealing with, amongst other topics, sustainability, AI and security”.

Parker added, “We are also excited to announce the conference will be hosted by Shonali Devereaux, who is an accomplished workshop and facilitator speaker and co-founder of the Diverse Speaker Bureau”.

Booking is now open for the AEV annual conference with an early bird offer available until 20 October 2023.  Tickets include entry to the popular AEV conference icebreaker evening on November 16, at the Old Queen Street Cafe, where delegates can spend the evening before the conference networking and socialising in an informal environment.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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