Breaking: The era of the spreadsheet is over for conference planning


Since the 1980’s the primary project management tool for event planners has been the spreadsheet. Spreadsheets to plan the program or agenda, spreadsheets of potential speakers, performers, exhibitors and sponsors. Spreadsheets detailing who is doing what and when on site and, of course, a spreadsheet with all your tasks. The problem with using spreadsheets is that it is time consuming and error prone. Then updating those spreadsheets, well that is just mundane and tedious. No more.

It’s time for Joi

Joi is an event planning software designed by event professionals for event professionals. You will do the stuff you did in spreadsheets in a fraction of the time.

Every single feature is a big time saver

  • It’s where you build your conference program or agenda: The best and quickest program builder in the world with auto time calculations as well as drag and drop, perfect for team collaboration on program development
  • You can then publish your program from Joi: To a website or circulate via email or even SMS. Make a change to the master and update every version of the program you have shared in just a couple of clicks
  • It’s where you collaborate with your team and stakeholders. Invite as many people to work on the event as needed, control permissions and visibility
  • It’s your file management system. A place to house all reference material relating to the event; no more info chasing
  • It’s where you manage tasks. But these tasks have automated reminders and can be sorted any way you like, including a calendar view; great for the critical path
  • It’s where you manage your speakers, performers and exhibitors, collate their details, create and send briefs, manage scheduling.
  • When it is time to deliver, it’s where you manage all your on site schedules, run sheets and cue sheets even MC or host scripts. But these schedules are not static documents, they are dynamic. You share schedules as URLS, so if anything changes (which it always does) the schedules update automatically
  • AND Joi is mobile friendly so all your event information is at your fingertips all of the time

Now you are thinking that sounds great but how much does it cost?

At Joi we believe most event technology is massively overpriced. That is why we made Joi accessible to all. Starting at 15.00 GBP per month, you can have up to 5 active events of any size with as many collaborators, speakers, performers and exhibitors as you want. No hidden costs, no strings.

Get Joi in your life

If you want to cut out unnecessary, tedious work, and have full control over planning for your events then invest 30 minutes of your time in a demo of Joi or just jump straight in and take yourself on a free 30 day Joi ride.

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Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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