Eventbrite partner with Instagram to turn visual discovery into ticket sales


With more than 200 million daily active Instagrammers visiting a brand profile each day, Instagram is an incredibly powerful visual discovery platform.  And starting today, Eventbrite’s event creators can add a “Get Tickets” button to the profile page of their Instagram business account, making it easier for potential buyers to not only learn more about the shows and events they’re offering but to act on their interest by buying tickets via a simplified checkout process.

Eventbrite is Instagram’s first live events ticketing partner, and the ability to add a “Get Tickets” button is now available to the 25 million entrepreneurs and brands that have Instagram business profiles globally. 80% of Instagram business profiles exist outside of the U.S. and this integration is a “global-first,” making it available in all of the markets Eventbrite operate in, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Europe, and New Zealand.

So, what does this mean for event creators? Here’s a little more about the value the integration delivers:

  • Grow existing audiencesand reach new onesInstagram has always been an effective way to grow a community and reach new potential fans and attendees. With more than 800 million active monthly users, Instagram connects live events and experiences to an audience of discoverers at scale.
  • Drive directly to action: The “Get Tickets” button can drive potential buyers to either an Eventbrite profile page that lists all of an event creator’s events, or to a specific event listing URL, for a particular show or event. No more relying on a tiny URL listing in an Instagram bio for buyers to take action.
  • Streamlined purchasing: Not only is the “Get Tickets” button much more actionable, it also drives to a streamlined checkout that automatically pulls in the buyer’s name and email from their Instagram profile. Fewer steps = more ticket sales.
  • See where sales are coming from: Event creators can track ticket sales from Instagram on their Eventbrite Event Dashboard, so they can stay informed and make better business decisions on where they invest their time in social media marketing.

The partnership with Instagram is an extension of a long and successful relationship between Eventbrite and Facebook; the ticketing integration the company launched in 2016 has resulted in Eventbrite events where the full transaction takes place directly on Facebook driving 2x more ticket sales and free registrations than events that redirect to a ticketing page.

Eventbrite sold millions of tickets through their distribution partners in 2017 alone and are excited to connect a growing trend of visual discovery to the highly lucrative “Experience Economy,” where our research saw three in four Millennials preferring to spend money on experiences over things. When combined with the 30% of people who purchased something they first saw on Instagram, event creators now have a fantastic way to reach new audiences and sell more tickets.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.