Event Technology Awards Judges’ Spotlight: Marco Giberti


Marco is a successful serial entrepreneur and investor with more than 25 years of intensive experience in media, technology, and the events industry. He is Founder and CEO of Vesuvio Ventures, providing early stage entrepreneurs access to coaching, partnerships, advisory, and capital. 

Marco is a Harvard Business School OPM Graduate, and member of YPO, the Young Presidents Organization and a frequent speaker at industry conferences. He is also a co-author of the best-selling book The Face of Digital focused on how digital technologies are changing the live events business industry.

  • What experience can you draw upon to successfully judge the ETAs?

I have organised over 500 events. 

I’m also an advisor to top global event organisers and industry leading service providers on tech and innovation related topics. 

In addition, throughout the last eight years, I have helped negotiate numerous event tech investments.

  • How long have you worked in the events industry and what keeps you interested in it?

I have been in the industry for more than 25 years and have focused on event tech and innovation for the last 10. I’m excited to see how tech can, and will, improve events’ ROI and overall customer experience.

  • Best and worst moments working in the events industry?

My worst experiences include dealing with bad venues and mediocre exhibitors that did not invest appropriate resources to capitalise the event opportunity. My best experiences involve talking with our customers and understanding how our events helped them to improve and grow their respective businesses.

  • Favourite piece of tech for work and personal life?

My MacBook

  • What’s your go-to piece of tech when working on an event and why?

My iPhone, as it is a way to connect and interact with content, matchmaking and many other event-related activations.

  • What was the last event on which you worked?

This year at tech events, organised by a company where I am a partner.

  • What’s the best way to utilise tech at an event?

I personally like matchmaking-related solutions that help increase engagement and generate efficiencies between buyers and sellers. 

  • We all learn from our mistakes! What was the biggest lesson you learned from a mistake since being in the industry?

I would need many pages to list my mistakes!JBut one of the key lessons that I learned was to recognise the fundamental reasons visitors and buyers attend events. An early understanding of their expectations and how complex and granular these can be is pivotal to actually serving those needs.

  • What are you most looking forward to at the ETAs?

I first heard about the event some time ago and I am excited to collaborate with, and learn about, all parties involved in the ETAs.

  • Why is it important to recognise the achievements of tech companies?

I honestly believe event tech is a powerful tool for generating efficiencies and growth opportunity within the live events industry. Identifying and supporting event tech start-ups and their founders/entrepreneurs is a critical personal goal for me.

  • If you could only use one piece of tech when working on an event, what would that be?

A perfect turnkey matchmaking solution that will help me identify relevant products, companies and people to meet at an event. 

The Event Technology Awards ceremony returns to Troxy on November 6, between the two days of Event Tech Live 2019.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.