Visit Interprefy on stand 1312 at Event Tech Live


Interprefy, the Zurich-based technology company that boasts offices in Europe and the US, is swiftly ascending through the ranks of leading event technology companies with its state-of-the-art interpreting cloud-based platform. Because interpreters do not need to be onsite, Interprefy saves its customers and partners – AV companies, event organisers and language service providers – complexity, administration and event floor space. The financial savings are typically 50-70% when compared to a traditional interpreting set-up.

Interpreters work remotely rather than onsite, and participants listen to their language through the Interprefy app, rather than on radio headsets. With a worldwide network of Language Service and Audio-Visual Providers, Interprefy is able to tap into the best talent at a global level, to offer clients interpreters with the right language combination and subject area knowledge. Its solution is used by international organisations and established brands, from Google and Facebook, to JP Morgan and Domino’s Pizza, to provide multi-language meetings and events in any set-up: conferences, seminars, meetings, exhibitions, tours and online conferencing, all over the world.

Working remotely means no transport or accommodation is necessary to host the interpreters, saving time and money for organisers, and on-site interpreting hardware is needless. Users then have the choice between listening in on their smartphones or using traditional headsets.

The Interpregy team will be on stand 1312 at Event Tech Live. Pay them a visit to see how Interprefy can improve your next conference, meeting or seminar.

Interprefy has been shortlisted for three awards at the Event Technology Awards: Best use of Technology for Engagement & Interaction, Best Conference Technology and Best Event App. The Event Technology Awards was designed to celebrate the achievements of event technology companies all over the world and takes place on 6th November, Troxy, London. Book your tickets here.

This content is sponsored by Interprefy.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.