What’s your virtual events strategy?


By Chris Powell, Director at The Event Expert: Online Event Management Courses and Event Planning Webinars

The truth is: 

Events appeal to our primal universal instinct, to gather together to learn, be entertained, celebrate and communicate with each other face to face…it’s in our DNA. While live events will never go out of fashion, many realise that they simply ‘must have’ a virtual event offering.

Those already running virtual events are reaping the undoubted rewards. Audiences too are lovin’ them (when done well!) and will expect to be given the choice to attend your events remotely, now and in the future.      

If events form part of your marketing and financial strategies, then you must move part or all of event programme on line so that you can continue to help, educate, inspire and support your customers or members.    

The fact is:

As with live face to face events, virtual events must be delivered with a very high degree of professionalism: your audience as always, have high expectations. Your virtual event must deliver on all counts.

Creating brilliant virtual event experiences is no easy task. Get it wrong and right before your very eyes you can see your audience with one key stroke… ‘leave the meeting’, with the resultant financially and reputational damage.        

While you may already know how to run a great live event, on line events cannot be planned and delivered in the same way as their off line counterparts. There are some very significant differences you need to know about if, you want to confidently and consistently deliver high quality and engaging virtual live events…that your audiences will love and want to talk about.

Virtual events provide opportunities for organisations to generate leads, build and reach much bigger and more diverse audiences, add another revenue stream, reduce costs and really tick that sustainability box. Most of us realise that virtual events and in time hybrid events (live+ virtual) are here to stay. Your competitors probably know this too.       

Need a virtual event helping hand?  

My ‘How to design, plan and deliver successful and rewarding virtual ‘live’ online events management course’ will help you and your team design, plan, programme, promote and deliver you’re on line events. I will give you the building blocks: a concept to completion guide to successful and rewarding on line events experiences, so you can create an event that really does feel as though, your audiences are in the room!

Yes, I want it. Please email me at chris.powell@theeventexpert.co.uk for a course programme and price. 

Why should you take the How to design, plan and deliver successful and rewarding virtual ‘live’ events? 

You will be able to:

  • Design online events your customers or visitors actually want
  • Harness this new opportunity to drive engagement, revenue and audience reach
  • Create and design online event programmes that will deliver results in the virtual world
  • Effectively design presentations for an online audience
  • Search, select and support your virtual presenters. NB: Presenting on line requires new skills to be learnt
  • Create high levels of audience engagement NB: if you don’t deliver on this, they will simply ‘leave the meeting’
  • Understand which platform is right for your event and your audience       
  • Price your on line events to sell
  • Increase your event sign up rates by creating effective event promotional plans using on and off line media
  • Construct accurate operational plans to help you set up and run your events
  • Obtain detailed event analytics and evaluate the effect of your event

And of course, know that you can design and deliver successful and rewarding on line virtual events: packed full of great take away memories.

How it works 

This course is delivered online, entirely focussed on your event plans, cost effective, run in 3 x 1 ½ blocks at a time and day(s) to suit you, is high on content, practical and designed to give you all the tools, tips and best practices you need to run successful virtual events – on time, on budget, every time.

Want to learn to be a great be a virtual events manager? Then don’t delay enquire now…and let me help you become a virtually brilliant event manager!

Yes, I want it. Please email me at chris.powell@theeventexpert.co.uk for a course programme and price. 

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