Guest blog: Why event planners need to embrace technology to stay ahead


By Paul Campbell, director, Purple Patch Group

Event planners now have a wide range of technology at their disposal. Those that ignore technology undergo great amounts of stress and time wastage as they plan their events. This results in ignorance or unwillingness to learn the process (even though we all want to go back to the times when everything was not so complicated!) To succeed, you need to outgrow your competition and build real quality around your brand: it is time to get serious about considering digital solutions. 

Event planners need to consider technology to stay ahead because:

1.         It will last for a long time

Event technology is a game-changer that is here to last in the event industry. It will considerably improve and regularly make planning much simpler and result oriented. By not embracing these tools early on, you may lose time and let others get further ahead than you. 

2.         More planning tools at your disposal

By making use of a quality event management system, you’ll get all the tools needed in one box. This way, you don’t have to create several accounts and try to put all the apps into a planning procedure.

3.         It can save you time, money, and stress

You might wonder how you can save money if you buy event technology. Just think about all the resources that’ll be wasted into planning an event manually. Now think about making use of event management technology. You only have to purchase and set up the software once. Some software will allow you to replicate the same planning indices for future events, thereby saving you money. In addition to that, you’ll have more time at your disposal and will be less stressed when taking care of logistics.

4.         It may align your event strategy

Using a powerful event management system may offer you the liberty to adjust all areas and actions according to your set goal. Making use of technology is important in upgrading your game in terms of strategic decisions.

5.         You’ll have an intelligent interface 

These days, data is everything. You must make use of different KPIs for collecting important information about your audience and evaluate the data to enable you to make better decisions. If you manually plan your event, doing this is almost impossible. The right event management system can grant you access to an intelligent interface where you can get meaningful insights about the success of your event.

6.         It can boost your attendee-experience

You can’t deny the fact that your attendees must be the focus of your event planning. Imagine how they’ll feel if you provide an event page that is unfriendly or a registration form that is non-functional. The right event technology can help you prevent all these unhappy moments and upgrade the well-being of your audience.

7.         It gives you more control over the event

Unfortunately, depending on other people could cause complications. Even though there are some good professionals that can help you set things up, there are others that are not so professional. This can lead to a stressful situation: your whole work can be delayed, making you lose money, time and patience. However, when you make use of all-inclusive event technology, it can give you full autonomy to make necessary changes to the page of your event, at any time.

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: