It’s Ok to not be OK! – ‘Event Wellbeing Week 2019’ and #EventWell19


EventWell will be kicking off its third annual wellbeing campaign on Monday the 16th September, 2019. 

#EventWell19 takes place from Monday 16th until Friday 20th September and aims to address and educate on the internal pressures event professionals can unknowingly place on themselves, with a campaign message of #itsoktonotbeok.

Helen Moon, Director of EventWell and co-founder of event wellbeing week said “We are encouraging all businesses and companies within the event industry to hold team campfires around #itsoktonotbeok during #EventWell19, with the aim of encouraging team members and employees to feel more comfortable and relaxed with areas such as asking for help and support, making and learning from mistakes, and importantly not being perfect. The events industry is pressured enough with the external factors we face on a daily basis and don’t always have control over; client expectations, supplier/client negotiations and deadlines, but are we unnecessarily putting even more pressure on ourselves with those internal factors that we can control by beating ourselves up and being too hard on ourselves? This year’s campaign aims to address this and send out some really positive messages that could change how a lot of us approach our day to day event roles and in turn improve our wellbeing.”

EventWell have already got to work with this year’s campaign message by running a workshop at the recent venues and events expo south east. A number of team campfires are also scheduled for this year, a workshop at the new ‘All About Events’ conference in July, as well as a scheduled session at IBTM World in Barcelona later in November.

Should anyone be interested in scheduling a team campfire session, an event workshop or keynote, or simply more information on #EventWell19 you can visit email the campaign team at

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.