Podcast: Louise Findlay-Wilson from Energy PR


Joining James on this week’s podcast was first-time guest, Louise Findlay-Wilson, MD of Energy PR. Louise boasts a career that spans over 20 years, in which time she has worked with the likes of the BBC, TSB, Schwartz and NatWest. Today, she talked to us about her experiences working with event professionals.

Louise believes that working with many sectors, not just events, gives her a unique edge to her work as she is open to new ideas, sees various perspectives and discovers trends in multiple industries.

During the podcast, Louise took us back to the beginning of her career where technology and restrictions confined her to doing things very differently. Nowadays, technology allows us to communicate, track data and create work instantly, infinitely changing the disciplines of every industry.

PR has become more reactive to people due to the instantaneous nature of today’s technology. Social media posts and digital content has added another layer to work responsibilities in PR and other sectors.

“There’s a lot of scope to be incredibly engaged with your audience which I think is fantastic for show organisers.”

She also describes the difference between working on a B2B and B2C show regarding press coverage and interview opportunities. “With B2B, you’ve got a more focus niche of media that’s going to be interested.

“With B2B, there’s still a really solid incentive for businesses to attend shows.”

Listen on to hear Louise discuss different aspects of working with event organisers, covering topics regarding creating ideas, negotiations and show coverage.

To feature on one of our weekly podcasts, please email editor@eventindustrynews.com.

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: molly@eventindustrynews.com