Top Virtual Event Tech Errors and How to Avoid Them


Virtual events are great. They are cost effective, can fit in a lot of content, draw a wider audience base, and b2b networking translates beautifully to the format. However, any virtual event can fail miserably if the technical side isn’t properly planned for.

Here are the top technical errors event planners have made with their virtual events and how to avoid them.

●  Not being aware of your attendees’ tech needs

●  Not preparing for multiple device usage

●  Not using a decent microphone

●  Not having a speaker backup plan

●  Not planning for WIFI, computer, event software glitches

●  Not providing long term b2b networking

●  Not seeking the help you need

Not Being Aware of Your Attendees Tech Needs

Attendees have the same virtual event technical problems over and over again. They cannot log in, they cannot access their microphone or camera, they cannot figure out how to book or join a meeting, etc. A lot of these issues can be easily avoided by clearly communicating exactly what participants need to do to join your virtual event. Utilize your most powerful communication tools: your event website and event emails.

Create an event webpage dedicated to technical needs:

●  Encourage your attendees to install the latest version of their browser (Firefox or Chrome for example). If need be, add links with a detailed description on how exactly to do it

●  Add helpful links to the browser’s and system’s (Windows/Mac) permissions to use the microphone and camera

●  Create a step-by-step guide with screenshots or even a video on how to join meetings

●  Include ways to contact you during the event in case of technical needs. Add the event email address, a phone number, a chat messaging service Communicating technical requirements through multiple channels is the best way to help your attendees. Make sure to create and send your attendees a well-constructed email with technical requirements the day before and day of the event.

Not Preparing for Multiple Device Usage

As a virtual event organizer, you cannot know which kind of device your participants will be using when they attend your conference. You cannot prepare presentations for all screen sizes. The easy solution is twofold. Make sure you or any of your presenters don’t cram slides with too much text. Text must be big enough for attendees to read even on small screens. Then make sure you save all presentations as a PDF. PDFs are compatible with most devices and are easy for your attendees to open and look at.

Not Using a Decent Microphone

Preparing for a virtual event doesn’t have to be a Broadway production. Invest in a decent microphone. It doesn’t have to be the most expensive out there. Do your research and find what works best for you. Attendees will forgive a lot of minor technical errors, but they won’t forgive not being able to hear or understand the information they had signed up for.

Not Having a Speaker Backup Plan

Virtual events are great for speakers. They don’t have to travel and can do their presentations from the comfort of their workspace. Until a bandwidth issue pops up and the speaker cannot do their presentation. Your backup plan is to always have a copy of any video on your computer in a MP4 format. Then you can just jump in and click play. If hosting a live presentation, make sure your speaker gives you a pre-recorded video before the event.

Not Planning for WIFI, Computer, Event Software Glitches

WIFI is not the way to go when hosting a virtual event. Instead connect your computer to the internet via an Ethernet cable. It is more stable and faster than WIFI.

Computers can be temperamental. Have a backup computer at your fingertips with all your files there just in case your computer has issues.

When choosing an ​event management software​ to work with for your virtual event, make sure there is ​excellent customer service​ at your fingertips so any problems can be promptly fixed.

Not Providing Long Term Matchmaking

Your virtual event is working well for participants. They are excited about the connections they are making and want more time to have more meetings. However, your virtual event is over and that’s it, right? Wrong. Provide ​long term b2b matchmaking ​sessions for your attendees so they can continue to collaborate with one another, even after the virtual event is over.

Not Seeking the Help You Need

Hosting a virtual conference is no small matter. b2match is an all-in-one virtual event platform​ with knowledgeable customer success managers who guide event organizers through the entire event setup. No tech errors here.

To learn how the b2match all-in-one virtual event platform can boost the success of your next event, get a free demo​ ​here


Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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