Primavera Sound teams up with the ticketing platform DICE to stamp out ticket touting


Primavera Sound and ticketing platform, DICE, have announced their exclusive contract to sell tickets for all the company’s events. This partnership means that from now on the tickets for all the Primavera Sound events in Europe, including Primavera Sound Barcelona and NOS Primavera Sound Porto, all the Primavera Tours and Nitsa club nights in Barcelona, will be powered by this platform.

With this move and coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the festival in Barcelona, Primavera Sound takes a stand against ticket touting with mobile-only ticketing. DICE associates all tickets bought to the mobile phone of the buyer making it impossible to re-sell them to third parties. This new approach guarantees safe and secure tickets for the buyer through the digitalisation of the sale in order to give better user experience to the fans.

Basically, DICE avoids ticket touting by eliminating the physical ticket. Instead of this, the user receives a dynamic ticket that does not appear on their phone until just a few hours before the event, making it impossible for tickets to end up on the secondary market.

As well as this, DICE’s refund and waiting list feature in the case of sold out events is designed for fans to pay fair prices.

Phil Hutcheon, DICE CEO, said:“We looked at all the problems of ticketing and fixed them from a fan’s perspective. When artists and promoters use DICE, tickets don’t end up on the secondary market. We make it super easy for fans to buy and we use our data to help fans discover amazing events. A third of our sales now come via the DICE recommendation engine.”

Founded in London in 2014, the platform is live in the UK, the US, France, Italy and Australia and this agreement with Primavera Sound marks its launch into Spain. Pablo Soler, founder of Primavera Sound, added: “Our team has been selling tickets for festivals, concerts and clubs for three decades and Primavera Sound is now coming up to its 20th anniversary. Selling tickets is a fundamental part of everything we do, and what we have seen at DICE makes their platform the best option both for our festivals and our events. Top security features for the fan and the promoter, fantastic user experience, dedicated customer service and the elimination of the use of paper in the process make DICE the perfect ticketing partner for the years to come.”

Molly Hookings
Author: Molly Hookings

Molly joined the editorial team in March 2019. She has several years’ experience working in broadcast and journalism, as well as marketing and PR. Past experience includes working for the BBC and independent publishing houses. If you have a story you think Molly might be interested in, please email: