When The Show Must Go Online – Virtual Events Experts Are Here To Help


Everyone’s doing virtual events these days. Online conferences, exhibitions, webinars and even recruitment drives are the new black – for obvious reasons. So in a world where everyone’s racing to host the perfect virtual event, how do you make sure your events stand head-and-shoulders above the crowd? 

Easy – partner with world-class event technology experts with decades of experience in creating magical, lasting and meaningful attendee experiences. 

Because a managed event technology service provider (like us)  understands the technology that makes events sing – from artificial intelligence to augmented and virtual reality – and understands how to engage with audiences online. And it puts all of this knowledge and expertise in the hands of its clients, helping them to put on a show that will stick in attendee’s minds long after they log off.  

As marketers and events organisers, you know events. But understanding what it takes to reap the same branding, engagement and learning benefits you get from live events, in the virtual space, involves a new approach. This is where events technology experts can help.  

There are a countless (and growing) number of platforms and solutions out there for planning, hosting and administering virtual events, but only one will be the perfect fit for your needs. Events technology experts understand their clients and understand the market, so they are perfectly positioned to help you make that decision. 

New products, platforms and services are emerging every day, and innovation is rife in this time of rapid growth in the scale and number of virtual events. You need to know you’re basing your decisions on what to use on a thorough understanding of the tools available, and their strengths and weaknesses, relative to what you need to do.  

But that’s really only just the start of what the events technology experts at Buzznation can do for your virtual event. More importantly, we understand the value of creating experiences that are tailor-fitted to the virtual world. 

We can do this because we understand that building a lasting, memorable and valuable experience in the virtual world is a blend of science, art and creativity, just as it is with live events.  

We also understand that even’t isn’t just about a place – it’s about a moment in time, an experience and a coming-together. Virtuality precludes none of this from happening. We bring together the people, the technology and the ideas that enable you to connect with, and grow, your audience.  

To us, virtual and online events aren’t about substituting for, or mitigating against the loss of live events. We play to the strengths of the medium. Digital events make it easier than ever to analyse and understand attendee behaviour, as well as provide opportunities for deeper and more meaningful personalisation. We use this data to help our clients generate content that drives engagement and attendee satisfaction, and creates memories.  

From initial strategy to content creation, social promotion, invites and attendee management, tool selection, deployment, testing and post-event analytics- a managed event technology service provider is with their client every step of the journey. The mission is to take “what if?” and make it into a reality.  

Buzznation – as your events technology partner – offers both a managed virtual events, and a managed webinars service.  

This includes technology management – selection, deployment and testing of the tools you need, as well as integration through API with any other software you are using. 

It also includes attendee management – invitations, email shots, pre-event polls, registration, post-event analytics and most importantly of all, ensuring you create a personalised and valuable experience for everyone. 

We can also create promotional material, microsites, banners and content to maximise attendance and engagement both before, during and after your event.  

Making events technology experts – Buzznation – a part of your virtual events strategy means you spend less time thinking about how to reach your audience and more time thinking about what you can offer them. 

Partnering with us means joining a team with decades of experience deploying and managing event technology infrastructure for global enterprises across tech, financial services, pharma and healthcare. 

Call or email – sales@buzznationmarketing.com to discuss how we can make sure your show goes off with a bang, online.