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Your Trade Show Attendees: What Do They Really, Really Want?

Velvet Chainsaw

Solving an existing problem is a priority, but attendees are likely more inclined to move that needle in a conference/networking peer experience. Expositions in many industries should consider shifting from the traditional trade show to more of a solutions destination. And to actually close a sale on site?

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Do You Really Have Them at Hello? Rethinking Your First-Timer Strategy

Velvet Chainsaw

One of my biggest pet peeves is the way some conferences approach first-time attendees. Being intentional and having a plan for how you welcome someone who is experiencing your conference for the first time is not only the right thing to do, it’s also a smart attendee acquisition strategy.

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The Crisis of Connection

Velvet Chainsaw

We’re lonely. And not just a little lonely. We’re experiencing a global epidemic level of loneliness. Last week, the U.K. appointed Tracey Crouch as the Minister of Loneliness after the British parliament released a five year study on loneliness that found more than 9 million people in the country reported they often or always feel lonely.