Lime Venue Portfolio joins ABPCO


Lime Venue Portfolio is looking to grow its partnerships within the association meetings community by joining ABPCO. The portfolio, which already includes many outstanding venues, ideal for association meetings, is looking to continue its growth in enquiries from UK associations looking to work with specialist venues to further enhance their attendance.

As part of the membership, Lime Venue Portfolio is hoping to encourage the sector to consider more unusual venues, not traditionally associated with the sector, such as stadia venues. It is also looking to engage in the association’s learning and networking, so it can continue to provide expert counsel and advice to the growing number of organisers coming to the portfolio’s venues.

“ABPCO are delighted to welcome Lime Venue Portfolio into membership as Industry Partners,” commented Heather Lishman, Association Director, ABPCO. “We are keen to tap into their expertise and share it with our members, not least around the work they are doing on sustainability in event food. We are also looking forward to welcoming them as pro-active members of our strategic taskforces, these groups exist to push ABPCO to be the best it can be for the membership.”

“We’re seeing more and more associations come to Lime Venue Portfolio for counsel and advice on venue selection, so we’re keen to join ABPCO and expand our own knowledge and relationships,” comments Jo Austin, Sales Director, Lime Venue Portfolio, (pictured). “We absolutely want to be a support brand within ABPCO. We already know that some of the main talking points we’re bringing to the table – sustainability, food waste and carbon labelled menus – are important to this market. We’re looking forward to finding out more and sharing more.”

Lime Venue Portfolio became the first events brand to roll out carbon labelling on event menus within its portfolio of +90 venues. The brand sees this as a major part of making events more sustainable in the long term.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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