Navigating a New Path in Events: The Potential of ESPA’s Accessibility Toolkit

The Event Service Professionals Association (ESPA) has introduced a promising new tool—the Accessibility Toolkit. This initiative could be a significant stride toward inclusivity and accessibility in the meetings and events industry. While optimism is warranted, it’s important to approach this development with a balanced perspective, acknowledging its potential while understanding the ongoing journey toward complete inclusivity will require more than a toolkit, it requires the entire event ecosystem to wake up and do better.

The Accessibility Toolkit

ESPA’s toolkit, available for free download, is positioned as a living document to guide hotels, convention centers, CVBs, destinations, and venues towards more inclusive practices. Its ongoing evolution is key to ensuring that the diverse needs of all guests are continually addressed.

The Significance of the Initiative

ESPA President Denise Reid highlights the toolkit’s potential in catering to individuals with diverse abilities, including those not immediately apparent. This approach is commendable, and we hope it leads to a greater sense of belonging for all event participants.

A Comprehensive Resource

Covering every aspect of an event experience—from airport arrival to the event venue and beyond—the toolkit provides step-by-step guidance. It also offers a customizable list of local resources, which could enhance accessibility at meetings, conferences, tradeshows, and events. Again, this tool will help us move forward if the industry pays attention to what is included.

Collaboration and Input

The toolkit’s development is a collective effort, drawing on the experiences and insights of ESPA members nationwide. This collaborative approach suggests a well-rounded resource that could address various accessibility challenges.

ESPA’s Ongoing Efforts

Before this toolkit, ESPA has committed to inclusivity through initiatives like Project Access and a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion guide. These efforts underscore the association’s dedication to advancing the conversation around accessibility in event planning.

So, Who is ESPA

ESPA, previously known as ACOM, has stood as the unique collective and representative voice for event service professionals across North America for three decades, from convention and visitor bureaus, hospitality venues, and convention centers. Serving as a hub for Certified Service Managers (CSMs), it provides a rich blend of educational materials, a vibrant peer network, and a dedicated platform where the voices of event service experts are amplified and their learning flourishes. This organization champions these professionals’ significant contributions to the overall success of events and the prosperity of destinations, hotels, and convention centers. Through educational programs and networking opportunities, ESPA members acquire crucial skills to excel in service management, deepen their understanding of their comprehensive roles, meet and exceed event and meeting planner expectations, and forge valuable professional relationships throughout their careers.

In Conclusion

The release of ESPA’s Accessibility Toolkit represents a hopeful step in the right direction. While we think it could be a giant leap towards a more inclusive event planning industry, it’s essential to recognize that achieving complete accessibility is an ongoing process. If our partners in the venue and destination space integrate this toolkit into their current practices, they can contribute to a more welcoming and inclusive environment for all attendees.

Discover more about the toolkit at ESPA Accessibility Toolkit.

Picture of Keith Johnston

Keith Johnston

Keith is the Managing Partner of i3 Events but is most widely known as the outspoken publisher of the event industry blog PlannerWire. In addition to co-hosting the Bullet List and Event Tech Pull Up Podcasts, he has been featured in Plan Your Meetings, Associations Now, Convene, Event Solutions, and has appeared on the cover of Midwest Meetings Magazine.

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