Outdoor Digital Productions appointed Official Supplier of Birmingham 2022 Festival Live Sites


Outdoor Digital Productions (ODP), a collaborative enterprise between ADI, JA Productions and Outdoor Places Unusual Spaces (OPUS), has been chosen to deliver the official Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games Festival Live Sites. Combining their expertise in live production, innovative event technology and cultural programming, ODP will create unique and inclusive Live Site experiences that inspire and amaze spectators during the Games, fusing cultural, sporting and digital elements. 

ODP will transform multiple city locations from large capacity venues, such as Smithfield, to civic and community green spaces, into accessible hubs for cultural placemaking and collective celebration during the 2022 Commonwealth Games. The Live Sites will include showpiece creative staging, participatory activations and live arts performances with a focus on locality and sustainability.

Emily Muirhead, Live Sites Project Manager at Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, commented, “We’re excited to have the Outdoor Digital Productions team on-board to facilitate our Live Sites during a momentous occasion for Birmingham and the surrounding area. With strong links to the city and its local talent, ODP will bring their vast experience in live events and culture to the project, helping us promote Birmingham to global audiences, whilst actively engaging spectators and visitors for the duration of the Games.”

Caroline Davis, Managing Director of OPUS and Director at ODP added, “For the first time the Commonwealth Games Live Sites sit within the Culture Division, highlighting the importance of this particular element within their delivery. This is an area where Outdoor Digital Productions can bring huge value; we’re deeply engaged with local artists, creatives, performers and community groups, and see this as a huge opportunity for bringing together culture and sport.”

Combined Expertise 

ADI, JA Productions and OPUS have previously worked together on a wide range of Birmingham and Midlands-based events, including the Commonwealth Games 2018 Athletes Homecoming, Commonwealth Social 2019, and bi-annual Birmingham Weekender. ODP also provided event production for the recent Queen’s Baton Relay at Buckingham Palace, which launched the countdown to the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, and the official start of a 294-day tour of the Queen’s message across 72 territories and nations.

John Adkins, Managing Director of JA Productions and Director, ODP commented, “We’re bringing together our unique, complementary skill-sets and unrivalled experience to deliver an important part of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games programme. ODP are developing incredible location-based activations and cultural programmes, supported by exceptional production planning, event management and technical infrastructure.” 

Thomas Taylor, Head of Sales, ADI and Director, ODP adds “We’re conceptualising a range of high-impact, creative applications in LED displays and AV that will amaze visitors, while offering distinctive, inclusive and engaging event staging at each Live Site location. Through ODP’s collaboration we’ll be helping showcase Birmingham, its creative talent and vibrant culture to the rest of the world.”

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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