AI‐powered news aggregation software launches to “transform every market sector”


A new artificial intelligence software hailed as the “Apple News” for businesses in any sector launched yesterday (30 June). Designed to deliver more content, engagement and revenue, it creates news platforms and content for businesses to deliver rolling aggregated news to users without the need for employing staff. It promises to deliver a new revenue stream or a new business within hours.

CaboodleAI, a lockdown start-up, is being launched by a group of private investors led by Lee Newton, founder of events and digital media business, Media 10.

The software will also build you a social media suite, across all platforms, as well as enabling organisations to build newsletters and directories for their industries all driven by artificial intelligence, making you the total authority across all platforms in your market.

Companies can send daily, weekly or bi‐weekly newsletters to their audiences in addition to aggregation, allowing them to become the definitive news hubs for their sectors. An end‐user visits the website that integrates with the CaboodleAI software for the most up‐to‐date news as well as receiving a snapshot of the daily or weekly summaries for the sector.

The investor group, which acquired the underlying technology that powers CaboodleAI from its founders last month, have been using the platform over the past year. With decades of experience in the live events and publishing sectors between them, they are launching CaboodleAI at a time when activity in these industries has been relatively dormant. To date the software has been almost solely used to lead the communication strategies within America’s largest sectors, including the US Army, education and health. 

The investors hope that the software will deliver enormous benefit for users during a time when budgets are stretched but the desire to consume news has never been greater.

Lee Newton, CEO of CaboodleAI said: “This was a unique opportunity that we could not pass up – the software has been hugely underused to date and we’ve unearthed a massive opportunity. We have been using the software for the past year and have driven significant revenues to websites where there was little opportunity to do so previously unless we employed a team of writers.

“As aggregations become more commonplace in society, we can now offer a product to businesses in any sector that are looking for new content streams, and even more importantly, new revenue streams. We haven’t reinvented the wheel, but we have worked out what to do with it”.

“If you believe you know your industry and understand what they want, then you could have a new revenue stream or a complete new business up and running within 24 hours. With our core business of live events being completely left in limbo we had to think of new opportunities. So, over a daily beer and Zoom session we started to think of what will thrive in a boom or bust economy – and we thought ‘news’. Fast forward 3 months and we are launching a product that can transform every business!” 

CaboodleAI has taken the existing software, which took tech experts years to cultivate, and finessed that development to deliver in a new, slick interface that users can start to work with immediately and see content created within hours.

The machine learning capabilities of the software means that over a short period of time the platform learns to differentiate between the most relevant stories, from the most trusted sources. Additionally, the end‐user can also tailor their own newsfeed to only receive the most relevant stories to them. It is this flexibility and AI‐driven logic that made the software so attractive to the CaboodleAI team.

Board member, Rob Nathan added: “We have the benefit of being a user of the software, so we understand its capabilities. The beauty of the product is that it can serve your platform with 100% of aggregated news or 1% ‐ it is all in the hands of the users. Any organisation that wants more content, more engagement and ultimately more revenue cannot pass this by. It’s the most transformative piece of software that I have seen in the last 10 years – we have seen revenues spiral, from a very low‐cost base and we haven’t had to employ additional staff; in fact our output has dramatically increased and the workload has gone down”.

For more information, a demo of the product or to start using the platform today please visit or email

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Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.