AMP Events appoints First Sight Media as a video production partner for Event Tech Live – Las Vegas.


Filming and streaming specialist, First Sight Media has been appointed as a video production partner by AMP Events for Event Tech Live – Las Vegas, at The Expo at WMCLV, Nevada, 1-2 May 2024.

First Sight Media will create a ‘bonus studio’ where panellists and speakers will be interviewed for extra content to be shared after the event. The footage will be beamed back to First Sight Media’s Hybrid Hub in the UK, where it will be vision-mixed and prepared for use by the Event Tech Live team.

Adam Parry, co-founder of Event Tech Live, said, “Having worked with the First Sight Media team for over ten years at Event Tech Live—London, the First Sight Media team really understands and gets what we want and operates almost autonomously as part of the event. It’s really stress-free.”

First Sight Media’s MD, Rich Belcher, explained, “First Sight Media has been working behind the scenes on perfecting our Hybrid Hub model of filming; it focuses on putting only key personnel and kit on-site and feeding content back to our studios in Oxfordshire, UK, to be edited in real-time, ready for deployment when needed.  We will have two cameras and an operator on-site to undertake the filming, and alongside them will be one of the client management team to pull it all together. Previously, we would have been moving flight cases of kit around with multiple people in attendance. Making the most of content-rich shows, this approach not only makes optimal use of both people and equipment but, importantly, allows us to work with regular clients such as Event Tech Live, who trust us to deliver exceptional technical event production, no matter where they are in the world, and allows people, whether they were able to attend the show or not, to digest all the content they missed.”

“First Sight Media really understand what we want to try and achieve, which is a content-focused event. That’s how we drive attendees to the show and how we provide value back to the industry; it’s great to have them on board for the Las Vegas show,” concluded Parry.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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