TravelTech Show heralded as huge success and set to return in-person in June 2022


Following a successful virtual event with a uniquely global follow the sun format, which streamed content in line with Asian, European and US time zones, the TravelTech Show has confirmed it’s returning with an in-person event for 2022, taking place on 28th and 29th June 2022 in London.

The TravelTech Show, formerly Travel Technology Europe, has been heralded a huge success by organisers with 692 active participants during the week and over half of these were travel technology buyers. The content from the event will be available on demand exclusively to event registrants via until 29th September 2021 and then it will be made freely available online.

On the final day of TravelTech Show the Innovation Prize winner was unveiled as Koderly and the second Trailblazer winner, as voted by the event attendees, was Grapevine.

Koderly has 20+ years’ experience providing cutting-edge travel technology solutions to market-leading, multi-national brands. Their platform, Extrali, is used by the self-accommodation sector to process millions of bookings every year and incorporates functionality that covers all areas of travel business operations.

Innovation prize winner Craig Kennedy from Koderly said:
“We’re delighted that our innovation pitch showcasing our bespoke travel reservation platform, Extrali, won the people’s choice award in the sponsors category, being rated highest out of all attendee votes. It’s a testament to the great work of all our colleagues.”

Trailblazer People’s Choice winner was Grapevine’s AI engine, Marvin. Marvin is designed specifically to improve how TMCs engage with travellers and drive revenue. Marvin integrates seamlessly with TMC data, identifies booking opportunities and then retargets travellers with ‘right time, right channel’ personalised and bookable recommendations. Total trip value to the traveller. Increased booking commissions for TMCs.

Jack Dow from Grapevine said,
“We’re delighted to have won the Trailblazer award. It is great recognition for the hard work the team has put in over the past year and also highlights the increasing demand for technology that can help TMCs increase ancillary bookings and revenues per trip. “With corporates now focused on duty of care, personalisation and better retailing for their employees, this is a win-win for all stakeholders and we’re excited to be developing technology that can make this a reality.”

Eighty of the global travel tech industry’s most influential speakers were given a platform to share their valuable insight and knowledge. Here are what some of those speakers thought –

Fabio Zecchini, TUI Musement CTO:
“Being part of Travel Tech Show was a very valuable experience. From a TUI Musement perspective, the show provided a platform to demonstrate how we have advanced our digital products and are utilizing cutting-edge technology within our business to provide a seamless experience for our customers. For me, I had the opportunity to network with fellow peers, discover digital innovations in different areas of our sector, and exchange ideas on how technology will shape the future of travel.”

Charlotte Lamp Davies, The Bright Approach:
“The C-Suite Question Time event is an established and cherished part of TTS and the panellists this year did not disappoint. Insights from Fabio Zecchini, Co-Founder & CTO – Musement TUI Group, Johnny Thorsen, serial entrepreneur and strategic advisor and Sundar Narasimhan, Senior Vice President and President of Sabre Labs and Product Strategy – Sabre gave the audience insights into the road ahead, essential learnings during the Covid pandemic and how to apply new and better technology to aide recovery. Sustainability, block chain, AI, medicine, climate change, QR codes, NDC, API’s, SaaS and much more was discussed. Watch on demand at your leisure. I guarantee you’ll learn something useful. It was my pleasure to moderate.”

Nimet Sayeed, Commercial & Event Manager for the TravelTech Show enthused
“We would like to thank the 39 sponsors and partners that helped to make TravelTech Show possible especially headline sponsor BrightData and platinum sponsor Livn.

This year we made the difficult decision to go virtual, in light of the COVID-19 situation in Europe. Even though parts of Europe are beginning to open up, the decision to go virtual was the right one, and allowed TravelTech Show to be accessed across the globe; something we’ve not been able to offer before. The event’s success is largely down to our sponsors and delegates who continue to support us and a fantastic conference programme. As good as this virtual event has been, we are already planning for next year’s in-person event, when we will, once more be located with the Business Travel Show Europe.”

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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