International Conference Services welcomes Patricia Cheong as managing director, Asia


International Conference Services (ICS) is proud to announce the addition of Patricia Cheong as managing director, Asia. She will join Hitoshi Ikezono, managing director of the ICS Tokyo office, in driving the company’s ongoing growth in Asia’s event management industry.

ICS’ branch offices in Singapore and Tokyo have enjoyed significant success since their opening in 2018 and 2019 respectively, having managed a number of in-person events before utilizing their extensive virtual events experience to provide virtual and hybrid meeting options to new and existing clients during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the re-introduction of in-person events on the horizon, ICS will rely on Patricia’s extensive experience and leadership abilities to continue ICS’ growth of in-person, virtual, and hybrid events in the region.

“I’m looking forward to joining a company like ICS which has been a real leader in the events industry in Asia. The teams in Asia are great and I look forward to working with them!” Patricia states.

“I feel strongly in the need for humans to interact with one another and for organizations to rebuild and regroup,” she adds. “Nothing can substitute for the creativity and energy that ignites when groups of likeminded people come together to connect, brainstorm and strategize; ICS’ emphasis on connecting people to facilitate positive change in the world was one of the many reasons why I decided to join their amazing team.”

“Patricia brings with her a great skill set, an excellent reputation, and a can-do attitude that will greatly benefit our clients and our team,” adds ICS president, Mathias Posch. “We look forward to working with her and continuing our growth in the Asia region.”

Patricia brings with her more than 20 years of experience in the business events sector, including several years as associate director, development for PCMA, where she oversaw partnership and business development initiatives. She has also led the creation of strategic development of the conference division at Singapore Press Holdings, in addition to a number of other management roles in events, sales, and account management.

International Conference Services is an internationally recognized full service professional congress organizer with over 40 years of experience managing medical, academic, and scientific conferences all over the world. We have over 85 staff and 8 branch offices throughout Asia, Europe and North America, and are ready to provide the full array of event management services, whether in-person, hybrid, or fully virtual.

At ICS we are firm believers in the ability of international meetings to inspire genuine positive change in the world. For ICS, meeting management is not simply an industry – it is a place for us to join with likeminded organizations in the pursuit of international cooperation and positive change. 

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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