

Brella is an AI-powered event platform that caters to all in-person, hybrid, and virtual events.

Since 2015, the platform has facilitated connections between millions of participants in line with their mission of bringing attendees together around the world for memorable, relevant, and engaging meetings.

From cinching your next investment round to finding a new job, meeting a new research partner, and much more, event experts at Brella know that meeting the right person one-on-one changes everything.

Brella’s matchmaking feature relies on a powerful recommendation engine that analyzes a vast number of data points to connect attendees with meaningful and at times life-changing networking matches based on their interests (and goals) in a matter of seconds. The same applies to event sponsors and partners who can connect straight to their qualified leads.

Their expansive platform is designed to fit and adapt to all event types. It includes in-built streaming, intuitive registration and check-in solutions, effective engagement tools, sponsorship features, QR code scanning, meticulous reporting and analytics, revenue-generating opportunities, and much more.

With Brella, event organizers can deliver measurable exposure and transparent return on investment (ROI) for all their exhibitors, sponsors, and partners – consistently and easily.

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