Net-Zero before 2030: BDC delivers roadmap


The Business Design Centre (BDC) has released the company’s roadmap to Net-Zero, explaining how it intends to achieve this ambitious target by 2030 – 20 years ahead of the internationally recognised target of 2050 for businesses.

The BDC has made a 66.7% reduction in emissions over the last three years, with the total footprint of the business down from 1100 tonnes CO2 e in 2018/19 to 358 tonnes CO2 e in 2021/22. The London venue has been CarbonNeutral® certified since 2010, working with Climate Impact Partners to measure and offset its emissions, but this roadmap is evidence that the BDC is accelerating its path to Net-Zero, and sharing the steps it is taking.

Since May the BDC has been working with ecollective, a Net-Zero consultancy, to independently measure the carbon footprint of the business. Ecollective is supporting the BDC team in planning the venue’s route to Net-Zero, including a detailed initial phase of analysis.

Charlie Cotton, founder at ecollective explains, “The BDC clearly has been working on driving its carbon footprint down for a while. They have made great progress (their figures are very impressive) but the focus now is on the remaining carbon footprint. They have clear next steps to complete in the next few years, and we are excited to follow and support them on their decarbonisation journey.”

To reach Net-Zero before 2030, the venue will need to make significant infrastructure changes to switch fuel usage contributing to its Scope 1 emissions and support those who operate from the conference and exhibition centre in their activities.

The BDC has already made the switch to a renewable electricity provider, improved waste recycling and composting, and increased energy efficiency throughout all venue and business operations in the building.

BDC chief executive, Dominic Jones comments, “It’s been a long journey since we first became carbon neutral in 2010, and we have made some incredible strides in reducing our footprint since then. Now is the time to make the necessary changes in aiming for Net-Zero and to do so as soon as possible. We have been working closely with the team at ecollective who have really streamlined this process for us and we now have the tools to take the next steps to meet this target. We will also be working more closely with those who use the venue to bring them along on this journey, as well as collaborating transparently with the industries we operate within. This isn’t a challenge to be tackled alone, and we are going to need to come together, sharing knowledge and adapting to evolving best practice in order to make impactful change.”

To find out more about the BDC’s journey at

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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