InspiredMinds announces new board advisors

Appointment of advisors to InspiredMinds Media and the AI omnichannel Mothership (tm). Ex Apple Chief Chris Broad joins Global AI and Health Technology media company alongside three appointments as advisors to the board of directors


InspiredMinds the London based AI and Health Technology scaleup with a community of 200,000 users world wide has announced it is strengthening its board with a powerhouse addition of four new advisors as the media company announces the launch of an AI omnichannel for its community called Mothership ™.

Chris Broad, former Apple Chief of Staff joins with immediate effect to assist on the transition to an always on community. Chris participated alongside Steve Jobs in the meteoric rise of technology giant Apple in three decades of captivating work since study-ing electronics in Southampton and an MBA from INSEAD. As Director of Sales Development and Support team he managed 80 staff as the tech giant introduced its product lines into the major retail chains and played a key role in the launch of its online store, Apples multi-channel sales strategy and geo-expansion.

Commenting on his appointment Chris said Inspired Minds has always had the multi-channel” vision of blending a passionate online community with physical events. Paradoxically the global pandemic has strengthened the business as we see a business based on large scale physical summits move towards a truly-global, always-on community. Enabled by some brilliant innovation from the team we have seen more passion, more regular engagement and much more appreciation of the clear value delivered.

Chris continued: The global pandemic is a year old and Inspired Minds is a year stronger having successfully transformed into a world first AI omnichannel – a business based on bricks and mortar physical presence alongside a truly-global, always-on community. We have seen more engagement and vibrancy as the launch of mothership the online platform allows us to reach far more people, far more regularly with fantastic content delivered by the incredible team”

Also joining the board as advisors are three further appointments:

Paul Thandi CBE is CEO of the NEC Group in Birmingham, where he has overseen the growth and recent sale to Blackstone Group. He joins InspiredMInds as advisor on investor relations and commercial growth.

Paul commented The global AI market is forecast to grow rapidly reaching around 126 billion US dollars by 2025. The overall market is a wide array of emerging technologies from natural language processing, machine learning and robotics – it will be ubiquitous in its impact to the world in which we live. InspiredMinds is leading the charge of this growth and is at the heart of the global ecosystem with established and respected partnerships with the stakeholders globally. Paul continued Inspired has truly embraced the power of its global and inter disciplinary community in AI and emerging technology by creating digital first products.

Renee Cummings Criminologist and AI Ethicist joins the board as advisor on Diversity and Inclusion. Renee is an internationally renowned criminologist and AI ethicist. Advocating for more diverse, equitable, and inclusive AI, she is on the frontline of ethical AI, generating real time responses to many of the unintentional consequences of AI.

Commenting on her appointment Renee said The beauty of AI is its power to radically re-code, in real time, our concept of a seat at the table and whos invited to the table to have a seat. With AI, we can create a table with as many seats possible to ensure diversity, equity and inclusion are well placed, well positioned, and given priority space, at every table, wherever, AI is being designed and deployed. I am thrilled to join InspiredMinds and their global community where we can use AI to stretch our imagination and co-design a more equitable future for all.

Huguette Diakabana, WHO Digital health Technical advisor, joins the board as advisor on new and emerging communities, and youth generation.

Huguette is an experienced system-level change agent with a demonstrated history of working with international organizations and governments. She is passionate about fostering collaboration and expanding access to valuable and impactful knowledge to help achieve meaningful progress, in sub-Saharan Africa.

Huguette commented “InspiredMinds’ commitment to elevating diverse voices in its plat-forms captured my attention several years ago, and it’s been a privilege to see the organization maintain that pledge through its growth. The team has managed to foster a global community of technologists, academics, practitioners, industry leaders, and learners, and contributors to share their knowledge, collaborate, and address pressing issues we must address. I’m delighted to join their efforts to spotlight Ai’s potential and those working to leverage it in different sectors.”

Commenting on the appointments, Sarah Porter CEO and Founder of Inspired-Minds, said: We are at a pivotal moment in InspiredMinds growth, our digital community has exploded in the last twelve months and we welcome Chris, Renee, Huguette and Paul to assist us in navigating that growth. Their combined global experience will be invaluable as we continue to strengthen the InspiredMinds cause to include everyone in the creation, usage and deployment of emerging technologies. Porter continued We have an exciting opportunity ahead of us as we launch our Mothership AI omnichannel including an online platform to sit alongside existing international events portfolio that attracts in excess of 45,000 attendees around the world.

Vidya Gunapala, Chief Content Officer commented A core driver of the InspiredMinds ethos is to ensure that AI, emerging technology and healthcare is available to all, diversity and inclusion is at the heart of what we do and we are excited to be joined by likeminded advisors with such impressive experience of building collaborations with governments, the technology industry and academia to expand access to construct sustainable and inclusive solutions.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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