Festival Glitter brand Bioglitter™ supports a project to promote sustainability at festivals


The manufacturers of an eco-friendly festival glitter brand have thrown their support behind a project to promote sustainability at music festivals.

Ronald Britton, the makers of Bioglitter™, are helping fund a new report and knowledge hub, designed to provide inspiration and best practice on reducing the environmental impact of the festival market.

The Show Must Go On 2020 report will essentially be the information resource for music festivals looking to drive greater sustainability at their events.

The organisers behind the report are also developing an online knowledge hub which will offer a range of content from policy documents, example case studies of best practice, action plans and example tender documents.

Stephen Cotton, commercial director of Ronald Britton and Bioglitter™, said: “The first edition of The Show Must Go On Report was published in 2015 and has been an information resource for the festival scene and launched the Festival Vision:2025 strategy for events to cut impacts year on year. The new 2020 version will take this to a new level, creating a knowledge hub for festival organisers who are looking to make sustainability and green practices core to any event.

“Bioglitter™ is about creating a step change in the industry and trail blazing the new standard in eco-glitters, we are the makers of the world’s first plastic-free festival glitter. Our goal is to help create a movement and champion eco-friendly practices in the festival market and the beauty industry as a whole. It was a natural fit to help fund this project, which is driving greater sustainability in the festival industry.”

Bioglitter™ is particularly concerned about issues such as greenwashing, with firms making false claims about the green credentials of their products. Stephen said: “Sustainability and biodegradability is a very complex topic, and it’s important that people understand the different technologies out there and what to look for to ensure they are genuinely reducing their impact on the environment. In our industry for example, we have companies selling festivsal glitters based on products like PLA or Cellulose Acetate or Cellophane and claiming it’s biodegradable, none of these products actually degrade in the natural environment, so even when organisers and the public are trying to do the right thing they are purchasing a product which is harmful to the environment.”

Chris Johnson, chair of the Powerful Thinking, the industry think-do tank behind the Show Must Go On Report; added: “Festival Vision:2025 is creating a community of events and companies committed to positive action on climate change, and we welcome the support of companies like Bioglitter, who are innovating and bringing more sustainable solutions to the event market. It’s vital that the industry has objective information and resources to refer to so they have the knowledge to make informed decisions and implement practices that will have a positive environmental impact.”

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.