Academic Venue Solutions appoints 2 new board members

Pictured: Melissa Sobo and Sam Glenister-Batey

Melissa Sobo, Director of Sales, Nottingham Venues along with Sam Glenister-Batey, Head of Conferencing & Events at Leeds University have been appointed as board members for Academic Venue Solutions (AVS).

Starting 2023 on a high, Melissa and Sam will be joining the board of directors alongside a vast group of industry experts to lead and direct the organisation.

A UK based not-for-profit marketing consortium, AVS connects event buyers with academic venues through its venue finding service. Representing over 50 academic venues across the UK, AVS offers an annual membership package which includes promotional and marketing support.

Melissa Sobo, Director of sales, Nottingham Venues commented: “I am delighted to be joining AVS as a board member. I look forward to assisting the organisation on a strategic level as well as using my experience and knowledge through my role at Nottingham Venues to help in its development and growth.  This is an exciting time for AVS, and I am thrilled to a part of it”.

Sam Glenister-Batey, Head of Conferencing and Events said: “I’m delighted to be one of the newest members of the board of directors for AVS. Having worked with AVS as a venue member for the past few years, I have experienced first hand the great work they do and look forward to being part of the board to help drive the strategy moving forward!”

Clare Forster, Chair at Academic Venue Solutions said: “We’re absolutely delighted to have Melissa and Sam on board. Their wealth of experiences will support our plans for growth and that of our members and ensure we continue to offer the best academic venues that the UK has to offer. We have a lot of exciting plans that we look forward to executing with Melissa and Sam’s support.”

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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