Event Technology Awards 2023 Judge Spotlight: Matt Coyne


Everyone has a story to tell, you just need to know how to tell it.

With two decades of experience in the events industry, Matt knows how to craft content for a multitude of needs. From captivating presentations and podcasts to informative content resources as part of your marketing strategy, visit WavesConnects.com to see how Matt can help you make waves with your content.

How long have you worked in the events industry?

20 years

What is the proudest moment of your career?

Going it alone – learning from everything I’ve learned in my 20 years working with some incredibly inspiring people and organisations and… taking the jump to go solo.

If you didn’t work in events – what would you be doing?

On the beach – still coaching, getting others excited about the sea and the great outdoors. In fact… I do this today too.

Who inspires you professionally?

Nice people that have a genuine passion for what they do. It doesn’t matter what industry – if they care, if they’re passionate, if they inspire one other person to “give it a go” – whatever it may be – that’s pretty awesome.

Have you ever won an award (personal or professional)? If so – how did it make you feel?

Quite a few 😉 Professionally – it was awesome to share the success of our incredible team on the world stage. Personally – always humbled – I believe someone else always deserves it more.

Do you feel that event organisers views of event tech have changed in the past few years?

Depends which views you mean… a necessary evil? I think relationships and trust have developed for the better in the last few years. I also think eventtech has advanced more to such a stage that it is adding real tangible benefit to organisers rather than just a nice to have.

What was the last piece of personal tech that you purchased?

It’s not that exciting – a new keyboard for my ipad to write on the go 😉 I like to write… a lot.

The Event Technology Awards are celebrating their eleventh year and will once again recognise the achievements of companies delivering digital and technological solutions to the events industry. Winners will be crowned at a ceremony on the 15th of November 2023 after day one of Event Tech Live London. Entries close on the 31st of July 2023. ENTER HERE.

Adam Parry
Author: Adam Parry

Adam is the co-founder and editor of www.eventindustrynews.com Adam, a technology evangelist also organises Event Tech Live, Europe’s only show dedicated to event technology and the Event Technology Awards. Both events take place in November, London.

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